At sixteen, Robyn was kicked out of school and the rejection hurt. Through the loving words of a few key people, and a little church …


  1. It’s so good to hear what a person that went through a path feels like. And advice to those of us that may go through the same path one day.
    Blessings to you for your bravery ❤️

  2. I was 16 and pregnant, got married , now my daughter is a fully functioning 21 year old who is almost done with college . We are truly blessed despite any challenges we’ve faced. The baby is not the problem, the sin in our lives is .

  3. I felt sad for this woman to be shunned by a Christian college. She is right, not God's way as Jesus went the long way to talk to the Woman at the well, who could be any of us. I'm thankful for her Mom's & the little Nazarene church's support in her tough time. Loved the family pics of her grown family! God is good & his mercy endures forever!

  4. Such a powerful story, I'm so glad you allowed Jesus to write your story, and that you didn't give up on Christians. What a beautiful family you have!❤❤❤

  5. What a beautiful life story, thank you so much for sharing. You have done so well🥰👏The decision you made to keep baby and live with many challenges is truly admirable. I fell pregnant out of wedlock at the age of 22. Rejected by my own mother . The father of my baby wanted no part of it. He was very happy with an abortion. the clinic sister encouraged me to hve an abortion and gave me several, so to speak 'good' reasons . So I decided to go against all of that and kept my baby . Not easy to raise a baby all by myself but the Lord carried me and I gave the Lord the reigns to my life and ask that He bless me with a good husband and someone that will treat my daughter as his own and that's exactly what I got at the age of 28. Married for 15years now to a wonderful loving husband and 2 beautiful kids ❤️ never looked back


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