How to Talk to Your Dad: Turning Conflict into Conversation | Madeline Poultridge | TEDxOlympia

Using skills from mediation in everyday arguments and interactions. Madeline is entering her senior year at Avanti High School in …


  1. I do wish people would properly hydrate their mouth before talking so us suffering from misophonia don't have to endure trigger noises like: 3:42 (or at least close your mouth when you pause talking. Or don't have the mic so close)

  2. I feel like whatever I try I can't be opened up with my dad everytime I go to his house I act like I'm fine cuz I know if I try to open up to him he will get mad like always

  3. It's January 9, 2021, & I think I'm just gonna go watch John Mulaney at this point, cuz my dad's like, "Well I think that horse should stay in the hospital!" & you're like, "Dads will respond to fairness concerns," & I'm like, "WE'RE WELL PAST THAT!" Meanwhile, the horse is like, "I want you all to go murder my vice-horse." & I'm just like okay- okay. okay- okay. okay- okay.

    ….nice ideas for petty arguments though. =/

  4. im about to be 16 and i wanna talk to my dad but i ghosted him after a while and i feel really bad.. i just dont know or have the courage to start a conversation again with him and thats like the hardest part for me. only idea i have right now is when i get a new number or phone i would text him but its hard for me right now. after a while he started contacting my mom asking why im not texting him back and i said i didnt wanna talk to him anymore but now i regret saying that because me and him had a really close relationship .

  5. My dad is 89, hard of hearing, getting physically fragile but has a sharp mind and tongue. He is incredibly opinionated, stubborn and negative. It is so hard to have a conversation with him. He is a catastrophizer. Everything is going to end horribly. I will try these three golden questions. Thank you.

  6. Another point that proves there should be PREREQUISITE behavioural training for all potential and soon to be parents. This skill should exist before some childish nutjob conceives life, then orders and admonishes it, then spouts a variety of excuses for not educating themselves on communication, respect, and neurotic tendencies. fixing yourself is not something you improvise as you go along, while moulding a young, impressionable mind.

  7. We should talk more about coming to solutions , easing problems in our realtions and ending the meaningless fights because they happen and people are not perfect and problems will never end but so our effort to solve them with those we love.


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