How To Talk To Unbelievers | A Christian Podcast

In this episode, some of the fellas and I talk to my guy Maddux. At the time of this recording (7/4/22), Maddux is not a follower of …


  1. Kevin I am so glad to have found your YouTube! I’ve been listening to your podcast for a little bit and it’s honestly really good. Your topics on spot on what we need! I pray you continue to grow your platform to reach others.

  2. “Why doesn’t God delete the devil ? “ God created the darkness to patronise the light (children of God) when out of alignment to his will, practising sin and being disobedient, God leaves you over to Satan on purpose (all still in his control) because your refusing to come to him for your answers, instead going to people or ideas and conceptions of the world and what it offers (new age spirituality) and simply just being disobedient

  3. I wish he would just told him all babies go to heaven plain and simple
    Kids that know right from wrong will be held accountable. god want us to be like children if we get wrong by someone we for give them like a child when you punish them he want us to have that relationship with him forget the religion part.

  4. Poor Maddox he’s so lost. I mean he was talking a nice game but at the end of the day no matter how your brain process stuff God is God. Your brain can do whatever it wants but God will still judge you when you die 🤷🏾‍♀️ this was okay but this talk didn’t give what it should have

  5. Poor Maddox. He’s so lost. He really think our perception of the world really matters and at the end of the day God has knowledge from millions of years and he understand everything we do not. Doesn’t matter if your brain perceives a leaf as their God at the end of the day the true God is God itself. All Maddox did was talk fluff and just danced around in circles. He’s just another human being making excuses so he can continue living comfortably in his sin. He don’t care about if God is real or not because he wants absolute truth.

  6. Maddox is very lost. I feel bad for him. He want ultimate truth. Like he want you to just snap your fingers and have God almighty appear before his eyes. He don’t seem to understand that all that talk about vibes and energies are all just fluff talk. At the end of the day our brains have a capacity and will not be able to comprehend fully certain things. I bet he wouldn’t even believe that God is eternal even tho God is and has always been. He will continue to be lost because he will never get the absolute truth he looking for. Sad that Satan will fool humans so easily. Even when the Israelites heard God almighty and had prophets they still worshipped false Gods so sorry but Maddox a lost cause. I bet he don’t need absolute truth tho to continue living in sin. Funny how God mentions everyone needs absolute truth but when someone says drinking and drugs in highschool literally messes with your brain and there’s scientific proof his generation still plug their ears and do whatever they wanna do… just seems like an excuse at this point 🤷🏾‍♀️

  7. I'm not a Christian. But I respect these Christians because they allowed someone of a different belief to have a conversation, without being totally one sided. Both sides had valid points, they were respectful towards each other while firming what they believe. I wish it was easier to talk about stuff like this with people. This should be expected

  8. On a road trip home from college this evening and I really felt like God was answering a prayer of mine. I turned my music down to pray and thank him for working in my life so much, and I felt like God told me to stop listening to music on that drive and to find a Christian podcast. I went on here and searched "Christian podcast" and this was the first video that popped up. I am extremely grateful for the fact that you're making these videos. Communicating with nonbelievers while representing God in a glorifying light is something that I've struggled with for all my life. This discussion was awesome to listen to. I'm going to surround myself with more of your content. Thank you man

  9. Ok so I don’t know if Maddox will see this or not but evil exists because we made it exist, we would be living in peace and harmony and perfect life in heaven if it waswnt for eve eating the apple. But we made evil what it is, idk if that’s answers his question but I hope it does❤

  10. To explain a little bit with scripture about what Madix is talking about something finite shouldn't send you to eternal punishment or whatever, James 2:10 says, "Whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it." God doesn't necessarily view all sin the same, but all sin makes you fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). No matter what we do, we will inevitably sin. We are not perfect. We make our own decisions because God made us to make our own decisions. But the ONLY way we can get to heaven is to "confess with your mouth 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." (Romans 10:10) I hope this helps explain a little bit more. 😀

  11. To help with Maddox's question regarding what happens to the people who never heard about Jesus when they die, I remember reading a scripture where no matter if you die today or are still alive when Jesus returns, everyone will have the opportunity to accept or deny Christ. Like, when Jesus comes back and takes his people, the people who don't believe will remain on earth and still have an opportunity to accept Jesus as their lord and savior. Regarding the people who die before then, I would assume they get a chance to accept or decline. Just my take on it.

  12. An answer for his question regarding why there is an eternal punishment or reward for the things we do here on earth..
    It goes back to the garden of Eden. God in all his infinite wisdom and glory decided to make humans in his image and a place for these beautiful things he created to live and dwell with (think of a couple being so in love they decide to have a child out of that love). The goal of this was for God to dwell with us and us with God forever literally“heaven on earth”. However when Adam allowed sin to enter the world through disobedience ,God couldn’t dwell with us and us with God because of the evilness that filled our hearts. Ever since then m, God has made chess moves to ensure we can one day get back to “heaven on earth” bc It was never his plan to create us in this place and be separated from him just how it’s never a parents plan for them and their child to have an estranged relationship. Now fast forward to Jesus coming to earth! His main purpose was to bridge the gap that was made with Adam in order for us to dwell with God AGAIN how he created. So if you choose to live in sin here you choose to be estranged from God bc God in his perfectness can’t dwell in sin. His kingdom is perfect so only those who reflect God here now can dwell with him again. Those who reflect sin get to dwell in the place they felt was better than the kingdom of God and that’s hell.

  13. Int the first five minutes the answer to the question could be: when man was created the Father said: let us make man in our image and in our likeness.
    If I were to ask 10 people in a room what's most important to them 80%+ would say relationship and the reason why is because we are made in His likeness. God wants a relationship with us, religion is man-made for control, relationship being is our original design

  14. As a young adult in college who grew up in the faith as a pastors kid I found myself low today and typed in christian podcasts for young men. And i am in tears writing this because this episode softened my heart when I thought i lost that feeling. I see my friends in that kid and i see all the questions i had but God has revealed himself to me and when that kid sees God work in his life i pray he follows him 100% thank you for allowing God to work through all of you.


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