Shalom follow Jesus Christ to overcome sin and death and evil devil Satan be fruitful in your life very good message peace be with you and your family and friends and all christians always amen MOG from Abraham peace project pakistan thank you for sharing
Shalom follow Jesus Christ to overcome sin and death and evil devil Satan be fruitful in your life very good message peace be with you and your family and friends and all christians always amen MOG from Abraham peace project pakistan thank you for sharing
Amen hallelujah
Blessings amados pastores!
Glory to God… Amen!
As brother Cerullo speaks I feel like I m at the edge of me seat wanting more and more , I want God to radically change me
Wow, I was shaking while listening.
Amen Papa!! God knows no limits!! Yes Lord, give us a spiritual breakthrough!!
Halleluiah to JESUS ??❤️ we claim anointing upon anointing for the Salvation of the world and unity of the Body of CHRIST, in JESUS Name ??❤️
Hallelujah amen
Am priviledge to be mentored by God's General Morris Celluro…. I thank God for this connection….
God knows the end from the beginning,my trust is in You Father, strengthen me I pray
My God is a God of plan, purpose, design and objective
Amen and amen
What a wonderful LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE with Bro Morris Cerullo. God bless your decision to make me part of this by scholarship. God bless you
The God I serve is a God of plan purposes design objectives
God bless you !
God be praised for ever more in Jesus Christ name, amen !!!!!!
Amen am so happy to be a part of this for the first time in my walk with the lord. More importantly because am going into full time ministry
Shalom follow Jesus Christ to overcome sin and death and evil devil Satan be fruitful in your life very good message peace be with you and your family and friends and all christians always amen MOG from Abraham peace project pakistan thank you for sharing
Shalom follow Jesus Christ to overcome sin and death and evil devil Satan be fruitful in your life very good message peace be with you and your family and friends and all christians always amen MOG from Abraham peace project pakistan thank you for sharing
I need the New Anointing Lord Jesus !
As i continues to follow Papa's teachings, am becoming more purposeful,.