In this video I’m going to show you how to study the bible by doing a topical bible study step by step. If you’ve ever struggled to …


  1. Just came across this video. Thank you so much for sharing this information and resources. I truly appreciate it! I am very impressed with the bible study resources on that website. This is such a great resource to have to assist with teaching, preaching or simply to assist with growing in God's word. Thank you again!! 🙌🏾

  2. I’m in a group that others lead. It’s a recent occurrence so I’m struggling because there is a guy in the group who has followed me around d the church and asks incessant questions about my personal life. I’ve spoken up, but what so was presented with by the leadership is “ oh sometime women who’ve been abused are more sensitive” “ oh he’s autistic” not one of them addressed the actual “bad” behavior. This doesn’t not make me want to be part of the group. Do you have input? Am I asking too much?

  3. Good morning ,excellent instructions on how to study your bible …how came yo do not apply then to yourself when it cames to the sabbath ..the imnmortality of the soul and other topics …it seems to me that this is a bussiness and that you will do what brind bread to the table not necesarily bringing the truth to the surface …I am praying …for God to continue touching know too much but do not want to commit to your knowledge

  4. I want to give Bible studies and I am currently signing up to go to the Prisons here in Texas and Preach the Gospel. But I’m terrified to stand in front of folks and give the Word. All I do is count all my flaws. I train drivers at work. I can’t help myself when I’m with them, I always share the gospel. However it is always a one one situation, because I have to sign off on them before they can drive on there own. Almost everyone of them ask me to start a Bible study. They said they would come. So I will most definitely be checking out the Bible study materials.

  5. I've been studying out covenant, then other topics on justice, mercy and faith (Mat 23). As well as the kingly Christ. I've been mostly studying with Blue Letter Bible, they have a ton of stuff to pull out lots of context too. I'll add Bible Study Tools to the mix now as well.

  6. Right now, I'm reading the books that King David is in, then I would like to do a study of tongs, then try to continue to just read the bible all the way through just to see the big picture then do specific studies. But this could be a great tool, thank you!

  7. Father, I thank you for giving me a choice. I ask You always to help me choose the truth and not evil ways. Please don't let me take pleasure in another person's pain. Remind me that my job is not to delight in their suffering or in their evil practices but to rejoice in the good decisions that they've made and the truthful decisions that they've made. Help me to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem. Amen.

    O God, almighty and merciful, you heal the broken-hearted, and turn the sadness of the sorrowful to joy. Let your fatherly goodness be upon all whom you have made. Remember in pity all those who are this day destitute, homeless, elderly, infirm, or forgotten. Bless the multitude of your poor. Lift up those who are cast down. Mightily befriend innocent sufferers and sanctify to them the endurance of their wrongs. Cheer with hope all who are discouraged and downcast, and by your heavenly grace preserve from falling those whose poverty tempts them to sin. Though they be troubled on every side, suffer them not to be distressed; though they are perplexed, save them from despair. Grant this, O Lord, for the love of him who for our sakes became poor, your Son our Savior Jesus Christ.

    Everyday we are surrounded with the beautiful reminders of your creation God: flowers, trees, animals, people. I pray that you make me work, to use me as a vessel to blossom and spread my gifts to the world, spreading your joy to all that encounter me, just as you did with Jesus Christ. His eternal harvest is one that keeps on giving, and I pray that you help me give all that I can in my time. Amen.

    Father, I ask you to help me to remember that is not by my will or by my strength or even by any authority that I have, that my life is working. I'm not successful because of anything I've done. I haven't really accomplished anything on my own. Everything I've done, everything I have is because You have favored me and I thank You for that. I praise you every day for Your goodness and Your mercy in my life. Amen.

    Day 1
    Genesis 3: The first sin creates a need.
    Day 2
    Isaiah 52: Salvation prophesied.
    Day 3
    Isaiah 53: The role of the suffering servant.
    Day 4
    Luke 15: Three Stories About God's Love.
    Day 5
    John 3: Jesus explains “born again."
    Day 6
    John 10: The good Shepherd.
    Day 7
    Acts 8: Conversations spread outside the Jewish community.
    Day 8
    Acts 26: Paul Testifies of his conversion before a King.
    Day 9
    Romans 3: God's Provision For Sin.
    Day 10
    Romans 5: Peace with God
    Day 11
    Galatians 3: Salvation unavailable by obeying the law.
    Day 12
    Ephesians 2: New life in Christ
    Day 13
    1 Peter 1: Future rewards of Salvation.
    Day 14
    2 Peter 1: Making your Salvation Sure.

    The Lord's Prayer (traditional words to the Our Father) Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.


    You, Lord, are the just judge of all the nations. You judged your people Israel for their sins, and you will not do less with the Gentiles. Blessed is that nation whose God is the Lord! But if men forget God and persist down the path to destruction, we know there is a just God in Heaven to whom they must answer. Let us not think that our nation is exempt from your judgments, O Lord, but let us seek real revival that you may bless us and not curse us, as a nation. Hallelujah YAHWEH Shalom YAHWEH.👀🕯️🚦🍇💯💤🔥🩸🤎🖤❤️🤍💙💜💉🥶🌱🕯️⚖️⚕️🎯🎺🦶👃👂💛🧡🇺🇲🏡🐍🌵💚🏳️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️


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