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  1. Lord, restore all the time i wasted thru' the mistakes i made, the sins i did and the choices and decisions i made thru' my ignorance. Time i wasted concerning my destiny,my purpose and marital status may you restore all the wasted time🙏🙏

  2. Yahweh, your mercy and grace in my life has brought me this far and strong. I adore and above your name above the holy heavens. Lack of Knowledge and i will perish like a fool, Lord please bless me with knowledge, grant me decrement in Wisdom and lead me with the spirit of understanding. May i shine in your grace, mercy and favor and may i be a blessing onto my family, friends, my community, my country, my continent and other continents around the earth. Father in the name of jesus i obtain the grace for speed through favor. May men respond to me speedily and may systems respond to me speedily. May your glory shine in my life and may your good will be done in my life. Any spirit of stagnation and delay Die! in my life and may your speed lead me through to my destiny. Give me Restoration, breakthrough, and bring speed to my life. Yehowa, grant me strength, wisdom and favor to fulfill my destiny. May every mountains and obstacles be removed from my path to my destiny and may every strong woman or man in my family (from my mothers side or father's side bow to you majestic name oh Messiah, and die. Snatch me from the alters of the demonic one and grant me freedom and liberty in Jesus name. May your favor and speed rest upon me. Lord every thing i need to fulfill my destiny, Bring it to me in Jesus name. Connect me with established people to help and elevate me to my destiny. Grant me the grace to make destiny relationships. May your good will be done in my life. Help me GOD!!!!!!!

  3. I claim this prayer in Jesus name.May God put my10 years in 1 month in the name of Jesus. Lord bring speed into my life in the name of Jesus. May my destiny helpers gravitate toward me in Jesus’s name. I receive the miracle of open eyes in Jesus’s name

  4. I hope everyone knows God and stop wasting their time of what is wrong . Alot of wrong Gospel in the world and the devil is bold enough to preach the wrong things to other vulnerable Christians. I feel really heavy in my heart 💔😑🙌. May they know God is not to be mocked and proof the messengers sent to them right Psalm 150;6

  5. The month of July is my month and family my children is completely free and heal from all sickness and we will be use by God like never before in the mighty name of Jesus amen and amen 🙌🙌🙏🙏

  6. Lord I come to you with a heart full of gratitude 🙏🏼 I pray that in this month of July I declare total restoration in my life prayer life destiny career marriage and family a month full testimonies i will surely testify of your goodness in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏼 🙌

  7. I thank GOD for restoration in my life. I will praise him everyday for how he restored my womb and gave me girl triplets two years ago. Thank you my LORD
    Thank you for restoration my LORD
    There's so much more you are still doing in my life. I will testify again. Amen

  8. God let the table turn for glory 😢am sick and i have university problems my helper has lot his job help me from your holy hill 😭😭yh am broken 😢help thee before i lost everything 😢


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