How to Receive the Holy Spirit – William Seymour – FC Barnes

1. The Outer Court – Justification – Faith to enter in. 2. The Altar – Salvation by acknowledging and believing on Jesus 3. The Laver …


  1. 1. The Outer Court – Justification – Faith to enter in.
    2. The Altar – Salvation by acknowledging and believing on Jesus
    3. The Laver – The clean effects of sanctification.
    4. Table of Showbread – Partaking of the Word of God.
    5. Light at the Lightstand – Faith, hope, charity, joy, grace, spiritual fruit, etc.
    6. The Golden Incense Altar – Prayer and Praise meetings.
    7. The Holy of Holies – The Shekinah Glory and Baptism of the Holy Ghost.

    And when Moses was gone into the tabernacle of the congregation to speak with him, then he heard the voice of one speaking unto him from off the mercy seat that was upon the ark of testimony, from between the two cherubims: and he spake unto him. – Numbers 7:89

    It was in the Holy of Holies that God spoke to Moses. It is also the place where you can hear from him too!

  2. I feel this metaphor continually expanding out in my imagination. The
    Laver… And the Laver was used to hold water. This is symbolic to water
    based rituals such as water baptisms and foot washings. If you have
    ever attended a foot washing service done properly they will purify you
    spiritually like none other

  3. !!! ALLERT !!! Be sure if you have Holy Spirit dwelling in you with evidence of Speaking In tongues!!
    Holy Spirit in you is SEAL that you bellong to God, whoever doesnt have that mark in them when JESUS comes second time in these end times cannot be saved or raptured, but left behind!!
    John 3:5-8, John 4:24,
    2 korintians 1:22

    HOW TO RECEIVE HOLY SPIRIT ? Acts 2:38 (So clear)

    1.) !! REPENT !! That means get convicted that you are in sin and in rebellion towards GOD, confess all sins to GOD, ask forgivnes with honest Heart in tears and DO NOT SIN ANYMORE!! Parallely Realize what JESUS did for you and all humanity giving his perfect Life in perfect love for all of you to set you FREE FROM SIN which leads to hell!!
    ( John the baptist preached REPENT for the kingdom of God is near (Mathew 3:2) , and first word from JESUS mouth when He started to preach was REPENT for the kingdom od God is near (Mathew 4:17) ).

    2.) BAPTISE IN THE NAME OF JESUS FOR REMISSION OF YOUR SINS That means that somebody with Holy Spirit baptise you in the name of JESUS, like everybody in bible are baptised in the name of JESUS, cause name JESUS set us free and wash away our sins!! )
    Acts 2:38, Acts 10:48, Acts 19:5, Acts 22:16, Romans 6:3 and whole chapter 6 in Romans is POWERFULL.

    3.) RECEIVE HOLY SPIRIT AND START TO SPEAK IN TONGUES ( That means that somebody pray for you to get Holy spirit and start to speak in tongues, and if you are sincere honest heart in your decision to follow JESUS, He will for sure send you his Spirit, cause it is promise of GOD for everbody! Acts 2:4, Acts 8:17, Acts 10:45-46, Acts 19:6 )

    4.) CONTINUE LIVING HOLY WITH HOLY SPIRIT, OBEYING HIM ! ( Connect and be led by the Holy spirit, start to grow in faith, preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, baptise other in water and with Holy spirit, disciple them to do the same! ( Example about living holy with Holy spirit: Romans 8, first Peter 1:16, first John 3:1-10, Second Thesselonians 2:13, Gallatians 5:22.
    Example What should we do?? Like Jesus send apostoles and other disciples, now JESUS send us for this last days! Luke 9:1-6, Luke 10:1-20, )

    After All: If someone wants to grow more spiritually, wants quidance about Healings, Casting out demons, baptism with water and Holy spirit or have any questions, put your comments here with your mail and i will contact you!!!


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