How to parent a teen from a teen’s perspective | Lucy Androski | TEDxYouth@Okoboji

A teen’s opinion on parenting from stereotypes and experience. This talk teaches parents about technology, teen emotions, and …


  1. I’m neither a teen nor a parent, but listen to teenagers they talk normal and they talk direct they should not be stereotyped like these kids that just talk trend, that’s wrong and arrogant! I talk to and listen to teenagers the same way I would if they were my age (born in 1989) or if they were in their 80s.

  2. HA you cried all the way home in the car and that's a mood swing?! Yeah, try staying calm when they are literally wrecking the house and you get a glass thrown at you! This is at 11 by the way!! I'm f***ed aren't I?!!!

  3. the way she explained those moode swings is exactly how i feel when i get mad/sad its like my body wants a reaction from my mom but myself does not but it would make me soo sooooo soooooo angry (she does have reactions and i have anger issues so doesnt rlly fit well

  4. The root of the problem is that parents forget what being a teenager was like. They need to be reminded of how they felt and thought when they were a teenager. They also need to remember that teenagers aren't exactly kids, they're, well… teenagers! They are starting to become individuals, become responsible, have their own opinions, and have opinions that differ from their parents. That is why teens say "why" when their parents say something and that's why parents should never say "because I said so." Parents need to let their teens have their own conflicting opinions and parents need to allow their teens to do what they want, even if they don't like it. (Within reason obviously.)

  5. I remember being a teen and having an awful relationship with my mother. We still can't really get along for too long. I don't know if she's aware of how she can be even though I have confronted her about it but she is soooo passive aggressive and will not say anything in response unless it's to bring up one of my faults or something she is accusing me of. I have a teen daughter but I could be causing her unintentional trauma, even though I try to put myself in her shoes that might not be enough. Thank you for sharing this content.

  6. Lmao my mom cant stay calm, if i start crying she'll do one of two things ask me why are you crying and I can't answer that because usually she caused me to cry and she'll just yell at me for that or she'll just start yelling and when that happens I do one of two things I absolutely lose it and start yelling back which becomes basically a fight or I freeze and just get yelled at more just without the additional input of me
    This sort of thing happens on a bi-daily basis sometimes more and sometimes less I kind of just depends on the situation lol

  7. thanks bestie, but i think the next time I have a "mood swing" I may quite literally mood swing my way off a bridge <3 we don't have time for me to calm down lol

  8. The fact is that parents should respect us about the things that us teens or tweens doesn’t like to do. Even do some parents would said they would “Respect us”, but we feel like they aren’t respecting us. Sometimes us teens or tweens should tell our parents that we really need respect by the things that we don’t like doing or the tunings we like doing.

  9. I'm 31, a sahm, homeschooler, wife and homemaker. I strive every day to be productive in my life and better myself for my family; for my legacy. I listen to things that help me grow, bc I realized you simply don't know what you don't know. I'm filling the gaps and that is giving me a whole new understanding.
    I was taught everything not to do as a parent when I was little, I thought that prepared me for being a parent… Way wrong lol I even UNKNOWINGLY picked up some of those toxic traits, none of the classes or videos got me ready… The only thing that actually taught me how to be a parent, was the bible! It blew my mind and changed my relationship completely with everyone. Including, and most importantly with my children 💞
    Turns out a lot of us our lacking in showing our children the characteristics of God; Grace, compassion, mercy, etc. And yes he will teach you to LISTEN. Want more love and want to see HEALING in y'alls homes? Invite God into them 🥰

  10. Please remember to show grace to your parents, some have had some twisted upbringings and truly don't know the right way! I was one of those! But as soon as it was brought to my attention I HAD to change! I couldn't bare the thought of being like my mom.

    Just like how y'all need us to listen (I agree 💯) we need you guys to learn to communicate and use your words when you're feeling any certain way.
    My kids are 13, 12, 12, and 8 and the older ones do seem to think I can read their minds. I'm willing to listen but they gotta speak 💞☺️💯

    Let's keep in mind as parents; it's our job to teach them to communicate. Don't assume your child will just naturally be great at explaining how they feel or what they need so this is where we, as parents, need to show grace and show them the way.

  11. When that child pays for that phone they can have any time limit they want. Until then they are still getting their 2 hours a night. Children between the ages of five and 16 should not have the world at their fingertips. Wake up parents and people!

  12. Timothy Everett is God
    Timothy is born of women
    Timothy Everett is God
    Timothy Everett is God
    Timothy Everett is God
    Timothy Everett is God
    I'm Timothy, I' Am Timothy and I' Am Timothy's Suitable helpmeet 5-in-1 One, Dream, Mex Water

    Hear You


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