How to Not Be Scared – Charles Spurgeon Devotional – “Morning and Evening”

Charles Spurgeon evening devotional for May 11 from the book “Morning and Evening” “Only be strong and very courageous.


  1. Ask Jesus for help. Fear is the product of a temporal mind. Jesus lives and renews the mind to an eternal state. Faith in Christ Jesus is the solution replaces fear. We are mastering death even though faith in Christ Jesus. Freedom replaces fear when we learn where we were, what happened, Where we are at and where we are going..From God's perspective.. The Power and authority in Christ Jesus and his finished works for us also his promise to never leave you nor forsake you is real..Jesus lives❤

  2. Believe that God will deliver you from fear and then pursue Him in the word and in prayer every day. And don't give up until He delivers you. It is true, He can and will deliver you but you must seek Him earnestly. This will strengthen your faith and your dependence on Him and the more you depend on Him the more your faith will grow. These things will chase fear away. I suffer from irrational anxiety. It's mostly fear over little things that don't make sense. But God is revealing to me that these are irrational and illogical fears. So i am pursuing Him and bugging Him about this each day and I'm already seeing fruit. I still have a long way to go but the key to it all is found in God and in His Son Jesus Christ. If you knew there was 50 million with of gold in your backyard you'd dig and dig and dig until you've found it. Well knowing God and His wisdom is far beyond more valuable than that gold. So we should dig and dig and dig (so to speak) towards the things of God until we find it. It is there, but you must dig. Pray, pray and keep praying!

  3. I also have suffered social anxiety all my life, since first day at kindergarten. All through school every day, irritable bowel syndrome from anxiety.
    66 years old and last week 3 nights in the middle of the night, irritable bowel syndrome, subconcious anxiety about life affairs. Reading Gods Word regularly is helping me, and trusting in GODS TRUTH as I face daily life: standing up to a narcisstic bully who has abused 5 people in the trailer park including and elderly widow and disabled senior,(me). GOD will stand with me and Angels, but I still get the anxiety and irritable bowel syndrome. I pray it will decease one day so I can enjoy life on earth before Heaven. Owen and Amen.


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