How to Move God – Prophet Kobus

Prophet Kobus teaches on “How to Move God”. ***DISCLAIMER*** Any numbers or information that appear as pop-ups in the …


  1. DOCTRINE ……….Who's do You keep ?

    1 Timothy 6:1

    “Let as many servants as are under

    the yoke

    count their own masters worthy of all honour,

    that the name of God




    be not blasphemed.” 

    1 Timothy 6:3

    “If any man teach otherwise,

    and consent not to wholesome words, 

    even the words

    of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    and to the


    which is according to godliness;” 

    Deuteronomy 32:2

    “My doctrine

    shall drop as the rain,

    my speech shall distil as the dew,

    as the small rain upon the tender herb,

    and as the showers upon the grass:” 

    Matthew 7:28

    “And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended

    these sayings,

    the people were astonished

    at his doctrine:” 

    John 7:16

    “Jesus answered them, and said,

     My doctrine

    is not mine,

    but his that sent me.” 

    Deuteronomy 32:1

    “Give ear, O ye heavens,

    and I will speak;

    and hear,

    O earth,

    the words of my mouth.” 

    Proverbs 4:1

    “Hear, ye children,

    the instruction of a father,

    and attend to know understanding.” 

    Proverbs 4:2

    “For I give you

    good doctrine,

    forsake ye not

    my law.” 

    And if you don't keep YHVH's DOCTRINE

    Paul went on to say this about Those who do

    Not !

    1 Timothy 6:

    4He is proud, knowing nothing,

    but doting about questions

    and strifes of words,

    whereof cometh envy, strife, railings,

    evil surmisings,

    5Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds,

    and destitute of the truth,

    supposing that gain is godliness:

    from such withdraw thyself.

    I pray that this is a blessing to you.

    Bless you


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