Often in the Christian walk, it can feel like God is very distant from us. Maybe you had a really strong relationship with God at one …


  1. #1). Pray to God, using his REAL name (Jehovah) through Jesus for guidance. No makes friends with out knowing their name, why is God any different?
    #2). Do not try to study the Bible on your own, find someone who is knowledgeable on the Bible and have them conduct a daily or weekly Bible study.
    #3). Acquire ACCURATE information or knowledge of Jehovah, Jesus the nature of their relationship with one another, the nature of their relationship with humanity.
    #4). Learn what Jehovah's will is and then do it! Easier said than done, which is why Jesus (despite being perfect and sinless) is the "template" of doing Jehovah's will as is his Apostles who were imperfect like us.
    5#) Understand that we are not under the Law of Moses, but under the Law of the Christ (Galatian 6:2), you will find the commandments and instructions in the New Testament Scriptures only. Many of the Laws of the Christ are the same as the Law of Moses, many have not been added (the Sabbath, Tithing, going to War, Eye for an eye, Avenger of Blood) and some have been expanded on.
    #6). "Works with out faith is dead." (James 2:14-26). What kind of works are we talking about? The Great Commission! (Matthew 28:18-20). It is the responsibility of each and every baptized Christian to "Preach" to "Teach" and to make new "Disciples" for how long?

    Christian Standard Bible

    This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. – Matthew 24:14.

    Will this work save us, not by itself, no, but it is a commandment or a direct order from Jesus our King, to do it. Also, this Great Commission is more important than the Judaic Sabbath, as we too give our "sacrifices of the lips" to Jehovah through our High Priest Jesus.

    GOD'S WORD® Translation

    Through Jesus we should always bring God a sacrifice of praise, that is, words that acknowledge him. Hebrew 13:15

    It also allows us to this!

    Aramaic Bible in Plain English (Peshitta Holy Bible Translated)

    “For everyone who will call the name of THE LORD JEHOVAH shall be saved.” (14) Therefore, how would they call to This One unless they believed in him, or how would they believe him unless they heard him, or how would they hear without a preacher? 15Or how will they preach, unless they will be sent, as it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of The Messengers of peace and of The Messengers of good things!” (16) But not all have submitted to the message of The Gospel, as Isaiah said, “My Lord, who believes our report?” (17) Therefore faith is from the hearing ear, and the hearing ear is from the word of God. (18) But I say, “Have they not heard?”, and, “Behold, their report has gone out into all The Earth and their words to the ends of the world.'” (19) But I say, “Did not Israel know beforehand?” Moses spoke thus: “I shall make you jealous by a people that is not a people and by a people that is disobedient I shall anger you.” (20) But Isaiah was bold and he said, “I appeared to those who did not seek me and I was found by those who did not ask for me.” (21) But to Israel he said, “I reached my hands out all day to a contentious and disobedient people.” – Romans 10:13-21.

    Just believing and praying is not enough, we must be OBEDIENT as well, that way, will understand what is require of us "to do the works of the lord."

    New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition)
    So they said to him: “What must we do to carry out the works of God?” (29) In answer Jesus said to them: “This is the work of God, that you exercise faith in the one whom he sent.” – John 6:28, 29.

  2. Thank you so much for this. May God bless you 🙏❤️ This has really helped me to come to terms with what I must do to get closer to God. I have been so addicted to kdramas and kpop music that God suddenly felt so distant. But, just recently, He pulled me back into His embrace and I have been trying to amend my ways ever since. I even went as far as deleting the app where I watch my kdramas from my phone, and unsubscribing to all YouTube channels relating to kpop music. I'm trying my best to get closer to God now and get to know Him better and for who He is by studying the word of God and praying more than I used to. I would also ask that my fellow believers pray for me to continue to grow in the Spirit as I get to know Him better. I shall in turn, pray for you all 🙏❤️😊

  3. Once you believe in Christ, you experience rebirth and from then on you cant get closer to God, because you are in Christ and He is in you. Legalism makes us feel far from God. A Christian who understands the Gospel in the New Covenant knows that all the sins of his entire life is forgiven and there is nothing between him/her and God. In Christ:)

  4. Great video for future young christians to understand the love of God. Keeping it simple. During hard times, we rely on the thought that the holy spirit within us has not left us. Remember Romans Chapter 5. The struggle is necessary. It's okay to struggle. We'll have our good days, our bad days and terrible days, but the good Lord is still with us building us up through the Holy Spirit. God has strengthened me through the loss of two parents from cancer. Their death were two years apart, and as their care taker it was tough for me as well as for them. But I learned more from these struggles about God through these trials (may parents learned as well) that JESUS is still our king. God is good. It made me stronger and yes even now I have days when I feel I'm alone, but the bible and especially Romans reminds me that I AM NOT ALONE. Glory to God! This is a great video for our younger generation. Bravo!


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