How To Hear The Voice Of God || William Branham

[Excerpt] 63-0120M – The Voice Of God In This Last Days.


  1. Please, everyone, search the Scriptures to see if what this man said is true. All prophets of God were known in the Bible, and they truly spoke for God Almighty. In these last days, Jesus Christ, Son of God now speaks for His Father. You can find this in the first two verses of the Book of Hebrews. Don’t follow anyone who calls himself a prophet and isn’t. I’m not saying this to hurt anyone, but to warn you. We all must carefully scrutinize what is being told lot us, we must be like the noble Bereans found in Acts 17:11 who received the Word of God shared by the Apostle Paul and searched the scriptures to confirm what they were taught. You all must do this, your eternal soul depends on it. Please.

  2. I am so thankful to God for saving my soul from the denomination.God opened my spiritual eyes to see the truth that's in the bible.l was predestined before the foundation of the world to believe the prophet ❤🙏


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