Many parents dread the time their children turn into teenagers. But that shouldn’t be the case! In today’s episode, let’s talk about …


  1. He just simply won’t talk to me about any of it he just starts getting angry immediately when I say let’s talk. Screams at me or he hit something like sure. I really I am at my wits end. Currently he’s going to spend more time Time with his other parents but it’s making me incredibly sad.

  2. What do I do when my teen son lives with Grandma and she allows him to do whatever he wants. She bought him a car AFTER he crashed the first one. He stays out all night, she doesn't know any of his friends parents phone number. He doesn't go to school. I gave her custody 10 years ago because I had cancer, I live a mile away and have been in his life. But when I step in to try and give him consequences, they team up and shut me out. He isn't speaking to me because I called a parent one night looking for him. I have begged her to start acting like the adult, but she won't. I worry about him. What can I do when he lives with this woman who allows him to live like a 30 year old man?

  3. To be fair foster kids are alot different from your biological kids. Alot of the time they act out because they were stolen from their parents sometimes rightfully and alot of times illegally. Theirs lives get turned upside down family ties usualy attempt to get cut off, most will end up with mental issues, drug attics in their later years, jail n such and worse like hurting themselves or others. And that's all assuming that they got lucky and weren't physically,sexually, and emotionally abused in previous foster homes and kids jails and homes. Which happens more than it doesn't unfortunately. However I do disagree that foster kids crave punishment, because like I said most of them feel like the world ended and are just being used by people for thier own gains primarily because of the state and for profit kids jails n homes. If your a good one and you got a good one you can probably get away with it and feeling like it's the case. But with them it's pretty hard to know anything because most of them are emotionally destroyed or shut down. It's a big problem in the United States which is why a huge majority of foster children who now grown are sueing the state for what they did to them and winning. Biological kids most of the time shouldn't have that extra issues that foster kids do which is probably why most foster parents just throw them on tons of medication. I mean I do gotta admit it's alot harder dealing with foster kids than it is most biological kids. Plus your a stranger and they are in a strangers house in their mind for a majority of their life. So if you manage to be a decent one and not just in it for the money than grats cuz I'd wager it's hard to do and theirs not many good ones so keep it up.

  4. Number one thing to get people to listen to you: people ALWAYS listen to someone so long as you listen to them.


    People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

  5. I am so tired of my daughter at this point I really can’t looked at her and want her out the house so I can raise her brother in peace. She stills, lays and manipulates every station, even her male counselor is now afraid and recommended a female counselor for her.

  6. Good advice, but sometimes you need to look at your own behavior, and see if you might need to change some things. Treat your kids like objects that exist to obey you, and they’ll resent you, and avoid you at all costs. Give them unconditional freedom, and they’ll become spoiled brats with no concept of consequences. There’s a healthy balance that all parents should be aware of.

  7. As a 21 year old at the end of my growing up phase. My best advice being in the middle of teens and real adults is treat kids with the same respect as anyone else but be affectionate and loving. Its a tough thing to do. The problem is teens desire the feeling of importance and feeling respected but dont know what it is. Like that first time drinking pop all you know is you need more.

  8. My mom never listens to me since we got to the uk she makes me knee down on the floor and hits me . She wants to send me back to nigeria in few months please help me. My aunty and sister are all planning to send me back.

  9. Hey I’m sorta a teen I’m 14 but still a young teen and I’ve done some of these things along with no taking the bus home I got to bed at 2am every day etc but my mom just doesn’t care or doesn’t know how to discipline me….idk how to discipline myself…..

  10. Thank you!!! I’m a mother that will listen to any advice at this point. I’m trying to learn better ways myself, the Pre planning is explained well. I appreciate this video

  11. My teen is 14. She ALMOST never washes her dishes or picks up her mess. When I calmy tell her too. She ALWAYS says. I thought I did. I usually tell her. Nicely. To stop being sorry and just fix it. This is a continuous thing with her.

  12. I wish it was that easy. You tell them we need to talk they respond "get out of my room" and keep saying out out out. It isnt that easy to do eye contact and anything else when a kid is just not willing to communicate or start screaming at you, blaming you and just shout!!!


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