He was a Bahamian Evangelical Christian evangelist and ordained Pentecostal minister. He founded and led the Bahamas Faith …


  1. Wow – I got a lot from this. "Trees never bring their fruit to you. They manifest their fruit, and we are attracted to the tree for its fruit" and "every problem in life is a business" very powerful indeed.

  2. Myles reminded me of the call on my life to leave the elite(rich) and go look for the little, poor people in the countryside to sit with them and find ways of bettering themselves and their lives.

  3. WHATS THE MEANING OF Life.. ? ? ? People ask me all the time -What is the meaning of life? Is it about having a fancy car, a big house, a great job or even being famous? No.! – Ok. Then it’s about being in love having a wife, kids– family and the white picked fence ya-ya…thats it.! No.!.. Ok. Then GOOD HEALTH —NO..! -Tel that to someone who’s on there death bed-NO..! Life is all about realizing that this is just a temporary stop in our journey to Heaven… All the highs life has to offer does Not compare with what God has planned for us and the Lows in life only strengthens our desire for Heaven…. So Please….. TURN TO JESUS– life is to short-and tomorrow my be to late…. Pastor Johnny

  4. Wow another wonderful inspiring Video Thank you so much Evans, to be sincere I really don't have a one word for this because all of the points are so powerful and unique in their ways, but that point of DEFY YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE. HITS A LOT. THANKS again Evans more Grace, How I wished I was opportune to meet Myles Munroe He is a great man and a mentor. may God bless his Soul

  5. Peace💚 and💙 Blessings❤️ Too💜 My💚 Brothers💛 May❤️ God 💜Bless💚 Everyone ❤️Always💜 May God 💚Bless💛 Everyone 💜Richly with💚 everything💛 they❤️ need Always💛 Much 💛Love 💜Blessings💛 Always ✌️ 🙌 🙏 💖 ✨️ 🎇 ✌️ 🙌 🌐🌈❤️❤️💚💚💚💛💛❤️❤️💜💜💜💜🌈🌈

  6. “Trees never bring their fruit to you, they just simply manifest them and you’re attracted to the tree…. …. Leadership isn’t about finding followers, it’s about followers being attached to what you have.” Whew!!!!!

  7. I was listening to earl nightingale, rev Ike and Neville Goddard. When this video played next as I was cooking. I am glad it did. As he said in the video everything has its season. And I take it that today was my Season to discover this gr8 being Myles Munroe.
    Thanks for the upload!

  8. "We need to be More Fokused on developing OURSELVES rather than trying to grab money now. If You become Valuable to the world, the world the world will Pay you to be Yourself! So it's Important for you to become a person of Value, not to seek value in things. Fokus on Discovering the purpose for your life: Why God Created you. And then Discover your gifts, and then Refine them, Develop them, Practice them and then even begin to serve them Freely in your community". -Myles Munroe
    April 12, 2022


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