How to build your confidence — and spark it in others | Brittany Packnett Cunningham

“Confidence is the necessary spark before everything that follows,” says educator and activist Brittany Packnett Cunningham.


  1. I literally stand speechless, u are incredibly amazing, u words come from deep inside and touch me alot, and offer me many insights .
    "This kind of confidence is exactly we need to unleash the future that we need🖤"
    May Allah bless u…Thanks a million

  2. The importance of those:
    Permission was always given by community until individual create curiosity.

    Learners or even us are aware that the first thing to have confidence is to have permission from our surrounding and of course from our community. We can boost our confidence if these can combine together. What do these mean? Children will be having confidence if their community will/can letting them to do what they need to do and what ideas what they want to share. Through that way, we can discover that those children will create curiosity to show them that they are incredible.

  3. People often confuse confidence with being conceited, but that's not it. Confidence means accepting small failures and going on despite the obstacles. Confident human beings realize that there will always be people who try to bring others down, but they do not pay attention to nasty comments. They know their value. It took me years to develop my confidence, but it was worth fighting for. Now I am a young, independent woman who knows her advantages and knows how to use them.
    I wish all of you to find confidence in your lives. Never give up! ❤

  4. This is absolutely refreshing and I am so happy I came across this video ! 😍♥️ ! Can’t wait for my feature 🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂 🥰♥️ I WILLLLL align with all that is meant for me 🥰💕


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