follow me on instagram! my ULTIMATE GUIDE to becoming “THAT christian girl” a …


  1. I really need to stop being lazy and get back into healthy eating too… Im going to work on that today! And start exercising monday, just havnt been feeling like myself and i found out why its my thyroid so started taking naturopath thyroid tablets to help me feel better again

  2. I'm a homeschool mom of 4 boys. So, the tip I look forward to implementing the most is get ready daily. However, I don't know if I can. Also, I really liked the bible verse post-it notes on your mirror. I need to get some verses out of my journals and on my mirror.

  3. thank you for this, I've watched my fair share of "that girl" videos and I always wished I came across one that was for the Lord and not for our vanity as well as not having it go hand with their new age practices. it was refreshing and so encouraging to watch this and really bring Jesus into our daily routine. God bless you and thank you

  4. Thanks for creating this video, I saw a "that Christian girl" video a while back for the first time. It was encouraging and I'm glad to see you version!

    I'm at the very beginning of the video before it gets into the topic and I want to say really quick that yes a "that Christian girl" archetype is found in the Bible- it's the Proverbs 31 woman!!!😊 Ok back to watching the video.

  5. It can only take the HoliSpirit to make u a "Born again " which is actually what God wants us to be John3:3,
    Its very lovely that u making efforts towards it. 1Corinthians 6:9-11, 1John 3:8-11.. this is not Judging even tho God says i can Judge actually Ezekiel 33:1-11, but this shld be looking to ve a personal relationship with Jesus above any personal reasons u cld ve, the greater part of Christianity its doing the will of God n that starts with obedience to the word of God.

    I shld be able to c d difference btwn u n somebody thats a "Sinner " if i/God cant find d difference btwn u n somebody whos not a Christian, then pretty much u r not a Christian. N there is great difference in u its so amazing ❤❤

    That also includes sexual purity, if u r not married u ve no business with sex!, U need to dig in more in the Bible Deuteronomy 22:5
    U need to ask Him for sanctification,Holiness, righteousness n the grace to practice n keep His commandments. It is very possible Only if u ask Him diligently n whatever He asks u to cut off from ur life really cut it off, that is how u grow into hearing Gods voice as u keep obeying the things He tells u to remove.

    Honestly the first walk with God is obedience n separation from sin "2 cannot walk unless they agree" Amos 3:3. Im definitely not saying ur a sinner im just bringing awareness which is part of my obedience to God "Go ye n preach the Gospel ro every creature" . N actually i can discern that u r a genuine child of God. N this is amazing watching u❤❤❤

    "He that keeps my commandments is the one who loves"

    Looking very beautiful ❤❤ n very different from many that claims Christianity or being a childof God.
    N yes reading ur Bible daily is one of the main things that draws us closer to God, u actually cannot grow Spiritually without reading the Bible. Yes thats true it transforms 😊❤

    This is very true😊
    Love u sis❤❤❤

  6. Adam and Eve fu*ked each other then they fu*ked their children 🤯 and this process continue till so-called rasict man zezus came and promote and a books
    Called Bible which is full of rasicm and also a Christian man named hitler inspired from it and killed 6 million jews
    And some idiot like her believe in zesus and ghost ohh god 😂😂😂


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