When people want to find God and give their life to Christ, they often ask, “How?” and “What are the steps to following Jesus as a …


  1. Forcing Christianity on a group of people is extremely arrogant and disregards the fundamental principles of religious freedom and respect for cultural diversity. Imposing a particular faith undermines the autonomy and cultural heritage of a community, denying them the opportunity to express and preserve their unique spiritual traditions.

  2. Just few questions i'd like to ask….Why would Allah make Himself in human form& come to Earth while He is so much more than what we are ? (This is just not logical)
    Allah had created Jesus from Mary (without any man touched her) this is one of Allah's miracles.[ Allah is able to do any thing ]
    That doesn't mean that Jesus is god or the son of god
    You can look back to history and see how many miracles had Allah made and nothing is impossible for him
    So Jesus is a prophet of Allah and we should love him as a prophet.
    And the bible wasn't protected over the years so sadly it got lettered
    If you believe in the existence of God, you'll believe in his last holy words that He descended on his prophet Muhammad Cuz abviously WHY SHOULD GOD SEND THE QURA'AN IF THE BIBLE WASN'T LETTERED?
    Can someone answer these + hope you all find your peace

  3. No he is not the real God there is only one real good which is Allah and if Jesus Christ died there is no God now for you so please be a Muslim and we are not lying how is a god going to be a God if he doesn't know anyting only the father knows the time only the father knows the time so you guys are getting life please be

  4. How can you say Romans 10:9 that Jesus is God? It does not say this. It just says Lord. Not God. Matthew 3:16, Acts 8:39 gives the impression that you only need one baptism? Leviticus 19:28 Do not mark the body with tattoos. Why do you have tattoos? I gave your video a thumbs up as you seem like two lovely people who want to spread change and I support your efforts. I have an online Christian acquaintance who told me it is important to be Christian and to be saved. I read the Bible with an open mind. My parents were not religious so I was not raised in any faith. Having read the Bible in its entirety I have many questions. I also read the koran to which for a perfect book it had no chronology or stories that were all over the place. The koran was not a perfect book in my opinion as generally you expect a book to read in sequence and chronology. The man next to Jesus on the cross didn't need a baptism Luke 23:43. My question is does a person really need to be baptized as Romans 10:9 says you only need to confess and believe that Jesus is Lord and you will be saved. The Bible like the koran seems to be open to other possibilities in what a person has to do to be saved. Its rather ambiguous. Yes you can quote baptism verses where it does say to be baptized but the verse Romans 10:9 and Luke 23 doesn't require baptism? Is baptism more a Christian cultural phenomenon? What if you have never been Christian or anything and you are dying (I have terminal cancer and parkinsons disease) and they cry out while dying on the floor that they profess in Jesus? Can they be saved despite having never being baptized? What about in Africa and the Amazon where some communities have never heard of Jesus? Can they be saved as my Christian acquaintance says they will burn in hell to which I think is selfish and crazy. I have agoraphobia and am in a wheelchair. Usually when i have tried to chat with Christians they come across aggressive, angry, ego-pride, and that i should just accept the Bible as it is. I also notice these days Christianity is all about money, ego, and people still sin after they are baptized? What is the point of baptism or becoming a Christian if people keep sinning after baptism? These high profile Christian role models have been caught in adultery, child rape, fraud etc Not good examples. They may as well just wait until an old age and maybe risk holding off to wash away their sins? I am now reading Judaism where they use a Mikveh to repeatedly wash away impurities. I have tap water 😉 Christians usually reply your dying, you deserve it, or hurry up as you will burn in hell for all eternity. I am not scared of threats, death, or dying. The church these days seems evil. I don't want to have anything to do with evil. I help a lot of people both financially, spiritually, emotionally, and lovingly without God. I notice a lot of people financially gain from Christianity and take most the gains for themselves. Why should a person become a Christian?


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