How to be social is one of the topic we all want to be good at. Conversing with people is one of the ways to be extremely social.


  1. I actually have better conversations when I don't use TOO MUCH filters and just embrace the awkwardness of the situation. What I mean is that I don't try to be overly confident and just be myself. What I've been doing lately is not shying away from making someone to know that I'm quite awkward, makes me become less intimidating and makes the conversation be more natural.

  2. I've honestly been socializing better these days and what this guy said is really true

    I've let go of my filter and started staying/doing things when I feel like it. One thing to say though is that you still have to be mindful of the timing and your words.

  3. Oh, right? First the good old nice talk, the laughs, the jokes, the best things a person can give, then other topics, repeating the same pick up lines, for every chick you encounter, blah blah, and in one point there's no more talk. The silence for some becomes a comfort while for others is a topic of fights… Word will run out, unless you grow your vocabulary, unless you are creative, cause if not… Well. The less you know the less you can say.
    But also, the more you know, the more silent you become.

  4. This comments are funny😂
    People you all need just to don't give a f what any stranger or girl or anyone thinks about you. Talk what you want when you want if you want, BE YOURSELF. Don't think "did she like me, did they…"
    Who cares??

  5. My entire life the issue has been the opposite, I never had a filter, I think out loud constantly, I’m the condition for awkwardness because of the things I say without thinking about it.

  6. "say whatever is in your mind"
    me: gungaginga kumalala savesta bruh my aughhh i wanna take a pic with cardi b bruh amogus lol sus sus never gonna give you up

    my friend: bro are u ok

  7. "say whatever is on your mind" What if you're so anxious that the mind is empty?
    I used to have insane social anxiety, I would freeze up when talking to new people and just not think about anything. But a way I was able to get out of that was getting out my comfort zone. I started off with asking small questions at the store. Like; where can I find____. Which product do you recommend. The employees probably see a lotta weird people and you're not gonna see them again maybe so it makes practice good. Then I moved up to waiters and asking small talk questions, how's it going? What do you recommend? (is always good).

  8. I a introvert and was unable to hold a conversation properly, the atmosphere gets akward and uncomfortable. My heart beats loudly and fast when i come near people i never knew. Especially when teachers force us to communicate with each other. Thanks to Covid and summer break, i didnt have many people to talk to and keep building up my social skills. Tbh, i used to be able to hold a conversation really well before. Being alone for a long period of time with no one but family members to talk to can really decrease your social skills.

  9. Threading sounds super difficult when you have to think for little too long to figure out those threads. By the time you have figure out something the cops are already there.

  10. I thought I was comfort zone and unable my parents wanted me to be in home and atisocial not with friends.
    It is hard sometimes being a human .I feel myself as a robot not living only doing tasks .


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