How can you be a teenager that stands for Jesus? How can you be bold, fearless and courageous as a teenager when it’s …


  1. Do i need to get baptized? Im 15 years old but my parents don't support jesus. There's also alot of false churches here, please anyone help me.

  2. 11 yr old here! Im rlly struggling with my walk with God and no one helps me cus… Well im the only one in my hometown who walks with God as a teenager(of course adults there follow Jesus) I cant even understand the bible TT, thanks THE BEAT for helping me 🙂

  3. Iam John Wesley…. And I am from India…. 15 years old…. I love Jesus Christ…. Nothing is more important than God….. As Christians… It's our obligation to preach the gospel of truth…. I mean to preach about true God… And as teenager's… We have to make all the people to go through a right way… And right God.. May Jesus Christ our Lord and savior…. Bless everyone abundantly✝️🥰…

  4. Message to young people, Live for today, Don`t listen to those fake stories about an old Codger sitting in the clouds writing down your every thought and deed, He doesn`t exist and the whole purpose of these stories is to get control over your mind.

    Jesus freaks are real wet blankets, they hate to see young people enjoying their lives and maybe it is because they lead such a miserable existence full of guilt trips and paranoia in case they offend the big Skydaddy, all they want to talk about is doom, gloom and death. We don`t need that in our lives, there is so much to explore, the search for good times and fun should be our main objective.

    The Mantra of the 60s was "If it feels good, Do it" and it feels really good to reject this Jesus nonsense.

  5. I want to teach the bible, the problem is that I dont think God told me to teach and that i think i need to be born again, yet i dont think im born again because i still sin willfully and i just returned to God after a few months of worldliness.

  6. I'm 16 and today's schooling society is very screwed. It's so important that all the youth out there meditate on the Word Of God and constantly remain in fasting and prayer. Don't be afraid to be different and if you are hated remember John 15:18.

  7. I appreciate the share. Good points. I was looking for something for a public school Fellowship of Christian Students. Unfortunately you are too explicit about types of sex so I cannot share it at school in future teen oriented videos, please keep this in mind. Also, you say, you’ve probably heard, read, studied about Daniel (paraphrase). Your viewers may not have heard about whomever. The majority of students in my club never went to church. The points are great make it more listener appropriate and inclusive.


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