I am struggling to understand this one. I will listen again and again hoping to get it. But any hints however clear & simple will help me. Thank you. I just really want to get what John G Lake was saying was the point.
Absolutely wonderful! Thank The Lord for John G. Lake and thank you Rev Elation for putting these up. Love them! One small thing on this one, I'm happy just having the words on the screen as you have always done; I found the extra box with the audio a bit distracting. Small point. I really appreciate your work. Praise the Lord! ????♥
Where do you get these. I have a book of complete collections and this is not in it.
Thank you
FIRE. Thank you for sharing this work.
Praise Jesus Christ! Thanks for sharing ?
honestly…youve been such a blessing to do these videos…❤❤
I am struggling to understand this one. I will listen again and again hoping to get it. But any hints however clear & simple will help me. Thank you. I just really want to get what John G Lake was saying was the point.
Absolutely wonderful! Thank The Lord for John G. Lake and thank you Rev Elation for putting these up. Love them! One small thing on this one, I'm happy just having the words on the screen as you have always done; I found the extra box with the audio a bit distracting. Small point. I really appreciate your work. Praise the Lord! ????♥
To love God with all my heart all my soul and all our strength
His Word says that David was a man after His own heart..