How The First Christians Suffered and Died for Faith (NEVER FORGET)

There are so many who died so that we could receive The Gospel. School likely didn’t teach you that the first believers were …


  1. The proof and evidence (of Christianity) is essential to discipleship. You are saved by faith alone on Christ alone but how do you become a disciple? You’ve gotta be very convinced to live (or to die) for Christ. The original 12 disciples were convinced cause they had seen Christ himself. I think if you want to become a disciple you have to study and MOST IMPORTANTLY you have to have the right gospel, salvation of the soul by grace through faith alone in Christ alone(Romans 3:28, Romans 5:18, galatians 2:16, ephesians 2:8-9, john 3:16, john 6:47, acts 16:31)

  2. We need to read up and study the history of the martyrs, what they went through, their lives ,how they lived and we need to follow their example. It would wake a lot of Christians from their sleep. It’s going to be a faith like those martyrs that’s going to get us through the coming tribulation.

  3. How on earth could you sit and watch other people being torn to pieces by lions?The poor lions were probably starving so only did what lions do.If you have no pity or empathy for others ,you are not human.What a terrible time in history.Are we any better?Babies up to birth aborted.Children and girls trafficked for sex!Wet markets in China are hell holes for helpless animals.Animals killed in abattoirs.?Fish dragged from the sea and barbed hooks dragged from their throats?Whales hunted by Japanese whalers are tortured as they fight for their life.I could go on and on!

  4. Man is commanded to die once and immediately comes judgement and if you are a martyr that is Christmas every day. These people who suffered gravely all went to heaven and we're rewarded.

  5. Pipe down, while these might’ve been Christians, they knew a religion you don’t.

    You have Bibles. They didn’t. Who knows what they were like, we certainly know Paul didn’t approve of everything they believed and thus, they’re not the same religion as you. They wouldn’t recognise your religion.

  6. O Lord God help me to stand by the power of your grace to be able to stand and to keep standing for My LORD and saviour Jesus Christ my highest priest which no man or power can be equal

  7. The fi rst christians were persecuted for their obedience to Jesus. Next along came the catholics and beginning in 1227 persecuted thousands for over 300 years. The catholic church tortured and murdered in the catholic inquisitions. The Roman spirit is the anti christ spirit. The Roman catholic church has this same spirit.

  8. The real Christian is born to die with Christ. The bible says: whoever loses his life for my name sake will have eternal life. Who wants to be disciples of Jesus, take up his cross and follow Jesus. Thank you Jesus, who are the best example of Martyrs that we must follow. Bless the name of Jesus Christ who died for us for our sins. Glorify him forever and ever. AMEN


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