Watch full vid “I spent a day with RYAN TRAHAN” here: #shorts #anthonypadilla #ryantrahan.


  1. It's always THE PEOPLE, the message being Tampered, makes my skin crawl, my grandma was the same way & our relationship has not healed, btw, as gross as it sounds, it's always sexualized af to hate ur kids for how they think bc they arent a guy u overcelebrate BEING DEAD, love God/Jesus, never let others in the way, be set free.

  2. I find that my biggest struggles aren't with faith but my ability to follow the teachings, ik its wrong when i have sex out of wedlock but i just cant stop myself, it also makes it hard for me to speak on behalf of my religion because im not a good example of it

  3. Amen Jesus Christ gave me proof of him by letting me see a demon when I was 4 and 4 and a half years old three times. I beg of you repent of your sins and ask Mercy from the Lord Jesus Christ and believe his is The Way, The Truth and The Life build a relationship with him he loves all of us🙏✝.

  4. My mom said to me that we Christians are humans but we need to show kindness and goodness instead of hypocrisy even though most brothers and sisters didn’t understand that message

    P.S I am a Christian 😊

  5. As a person whos in the middle (im just dont know what to believe i wont tell you there is a god but i wont tell you there isnt one i just dont know) im glad he found something that he believes in and that he enjoys. I hope all people find that whether your athiest, religious, or in the middle. Whatever floats your boat.

  6. Man I swear, the so called "power" you feel from "god" that positive energy.

    It cames from your subconscious mind, becaus you believe that it is true. If your belief is strong enough, your subconscious mind will make it happen. Because your body is smarter than YOU (the conscious brain).

    Read Psycho-Cybernetics, its a book on this subject.

  7. When people talk like this who aren’t Christian, we label them psychotic, i’m sorry but “An invisible man is the source of all my joy” is an insane statement.


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