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  1. I cant relate, cuz I avoid social media as much as I can without hindering my interests. aka I only use youtube for vids and discord to talk with people I play with. I still procrastinate, because things that dont interest me are painfully boring to do. While I can put hours, even days, into a research topic if I am interested in it.

  2. I am glad this popped up in my feed. Because I've been having the realization that I slipped off the wagon and have been consuming too much stuff lately. Be it games, YouTube videos, etc.

    I've been thinking that I need to take a break again. But not be a break because the stimulus is inherently malicious like I took the last time. Because the more you try to avoid something the more you will crave it.

    Instead I'm wanting this to be an addiction transfer. I've been clean from weed for a bit now and found that the best way to stop a bad habit is to form another in its place.

    In this case I'm just gonna do the thing I've been putting off. Drawing.

    I'm bout to leave for my first sumo tournament, I'm gonna take this as a kind of doorway into the next chapter of my life. Not like I'm never gonna use the internet but I'm gonna be using it for constructive stuff, furthering projects that I'm already working on instead of infinitely finding new novel interests. Because I find more and more I'm welling with creativity and just can't apply it outside of jotting the ideas down.

    I've felt for a while that I've had my plate too full in terms of splitting myself in 20 different directions, thus I'll narrow my scope to the things which actually matter to me, martial arts and illustration. I'm 24 now and I look forward to years from now reminiscing on how much time I used to spend on all these things.

    Because I yearn to be impressed by day to day interactions again. I found when I last did an internet cleanse I had the realization during conversation that this is the important thing, not all the other distractions. I yearn to be in that state again. And I yearn to have completed works which I can be proud of.

    It's funny because I find the arc of many of us in the combat sports scene is realizing the things that really matter in life. The sport gives us something to ground us in this turbulent world, gives us a place to release all the pent up energy, and a place to improve ourselves mentally and physically. I'm thankful because it's something I can actually say I stuck with, gives me a place to start.

    I don't know where this tournament will take me but I'm glad to have gone on this journey in the first place. And hey if I get my ass handed to me I get some valuable lessons in the process.

    I look forward to where the next journey takes me.

  3. I don't know why, but i keep coming back to this video whenever i feel stressed. The way you describe how dopamine works, or what reactions are ocurring in our brain, helps me to better understand that this is part of the natural process.

  4. For years I've been able to resist getting addicted to unhealthy foods, drinks or bad habits.
    As a kid my mom let me eat how much candy i wanted, so i ate a lot of chocolate, drank a loooot of chocolate milk..
    When i became a teen and got interested in training. I just stopped consuming unhealthy foods and never looked back. No issues what so ever.
    Same goes for cigarettes and swedish Snus(nicotine pouches that you place under your lip).
    Everyone around me smokes and consumes nicotine products. I've tried smoking and using snus for a month each on vacations just as a experiment.
    I quit and never felt any urges what so ever to continue. Sure a month is not enough to get addicted i suppose but i tried..

    Why am I japing on about this? Weeeell, my whole life I've prided myself in saying "I can not be addicted to anything. food, drugs or alcohol"
    As it turns out, I was saying all that while forgetting one thing.
    Coffee, I never tried quitting coffee before…
    Until recently when it just started destroying my stomach..

    Yet here I am struggling like a heroin addict to quit coffee…
    I swear to jebus, I am cursed.
    All i wanted in life was to enjoy myself sitting by some salty ocean, drinking coffee and not doing anything except sitting there like an old man.
    Well now its like im allergic to it. I get tense lock jaw, nausea(did i spell that right?), headache, dry moulth, stomach problems all day.
    So i must find a way to quit.
    I have reduced to 1 cup every 3rd day or so but im miserable. I want mooore…

    Sorry for long comment…

  5. Btw that "searching for dopamine" brain state (like just searching for something interesting online) isn't to do with overstimulation is actually due to understimulation

  6. Omg thanks for this vid. I pray I break own cycle. I feel this had been me and the internet, but listening to Kpop made it worse. It has a similar effect on me and quite horribly. I can't go a day without read news sites about it, waiting for another "hit". But I'm glad it's not only limited to me/I am not alone. I feel like I actually need therapy but have idea where to start.

  7. One of the best things that's happened for me this year is that my laptop broke six months ago, and it's put a huge gap between me and the internet generally, porn, and gaming, and i'm really feeling the freedom of it right now.
    I've been using my blocked phone since then and really just doing email, texts, calls, and watching youtube.
    I'm planning to buy a new laptop sometime but i really need to plan how i'm going to use it … i.e. alot less!
    Good video.

  8. Meh, it is easy…
    just be so terrible at starting with doing something that you never do anything
    be so set on "don't overdose on anything" that you basically can't buy junkfood or anything like it…

    be so lazy and focused on efficiency that your diet is nutrition based instead of taste based and you don't put in more effort than necessary

  9. Hundreds of ads and YouTube videos have shown me skillshare, yet yours is the only one that makes me feel like it's a worthy purchase. YouTube always seemed like it was enough for me, but you are the first I noticed mentioning skillshares "classes". Perhaps I'm used to ignoring these segways, but I'll be checking it out because of you. Thank you.

  10. Nowadays, there’s just nothing and everything I want to do. Im able to list off lots of things I could do with my day, but can’t get motivation to do any of it. I’ve turned on the tv, and spent 30 minutes just trying to figure out what to watch, with nothing seeming worth it to turn on.

  11. Thank you for this video. I've been getting severely depressed because I've felt exactly what you said you did when going through the pandemic. I find it hard to do the things I used to love to do.

  12. All of what you say is true but you let the food industry and social media off the hook for being your dealer. The food industry has altered the chemical make up of food and included flavor enhancer additives. The social media companies and video game developers have both purposefully designed games based on psychological and biochemical research. In each scenario, whether food or entertainment, they are your drug dealer. It is not merely a hunter gather brain up against more stimuli and being rewarded. Know that they are manipulating and using you for profit regardless of its impact you and society.

  13. Back in mid 2018 my life was kind of a mess, so I got a new job and stopped playing video games entirely for a year straight. That was also the happiest year of my life, not because I did anything substantial but I just was happier overall. I was very good at regulating screen time up until the pandemic. Then I got laid off, started a YouTube channel, and over time just got worse and worse and now I’m an internet zombie again lol. This was a good watch, made me realize how I got to this point again


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