Former music teacher James Story contacted COVID and spent nearly two months on a ventilator. During this time, he began to …


  1. I was a Hindu for over 35 years and two years ago I saw Jesus Christ since then I give my life to Jesus and I repented, living only for my savior Jesus Christ. Here is a highlight of what I saw in my dream, Jesus show me new Jerusalem it’s a city of Gold and glorious lights, illuminating everywhere, Jesus show me a moon he said when u see this moon know redemption drawn near, I looked up and it was a reddish pinkish moon as I was standing in Israel, sure enough on breaking Israel news months later on passover 2020 there is it in the headline on Breaking Israel’s news redemption dream near reddish pinkish moon over Israel, Jesus wrote in the sky and said tell his people to stand together with Israel 🇮🇱, I saw the pope with a Bible in his hand and on the cover said 666 he was leading the crowd and as I was chasing him I lost him in the crowd, I saw many huge big white angels all over covering all corner of the earth, I also saw 7 Angel with long golden trumpet 🎺 in the midst in the clouds, and saw the number 12:12 or 12:13 I couldn’t remember exactly.
    I saw there was a army green and black uniforms, preparing for some major events with long range missile and a short range missile moving on a truck in a secret place in a field,I saw Jesus coming in the sky and he said to me he is coming back soon , I saw again Jesus coming in the clouds he was fiercely and had no favoritism a lighting struck , I was it’s the rapture, suddenly a earthquake struck following by a flood, I saw People was on their knee begging for mercy and their was none, I saw men wearing uniforms what look like one world order logo on their uniforms and going to people home 🏠 kicking the door 🚪 down particularly in this dream I saw these men was at my neighbors house,then came to my home forces their way in dragging my husband out but he put up a fight, but some odd reason they couldn’t see me as I could see them in my dream, I was aware and saw a camp being set up at the same time for these people, I saw a horse 🐎 brownish with a man on a red robe riding this horse coming from the cloud and landed next to me as I was sitting on a bench, this horse ride off and I felt in my spirit the next morning I wake up, I need to prepared .. so I told my husband to prepared for 1 year food supplies, I’m glad I did because 3 week later COV 19 breaks out .. Jesus bless me with everything in life in less in two years and show me many things .. i saw a storm coming it’s so had people will be scattered don’t know where to run 🏃🏿‍♀️trying get saved but it was so bad and too late . I pray people repent today and give their life to Jesus Christ. Don’t let it be too late today is the day to repent Jesus is coming, two night ago I had a dream it seems like we are so close I looked up to the sky and saw strange behavior in the sky the clouds was like a tornado and then the sky open up I was aware of the rapture and started to cry-repenting, when suddenly i begin lifting off the ground, then find myself walking in heaven , as I was passing through this beautiful place I starred to stare at all the beautiful colors, I saw what seems everyone is appointed to special works as I was passing by and being lead to my Job site by a angel, i saw what looks like the world is connected as one and I saw men with long gun in control and bomber plane flying above, seems like some sort of attacks on mankind, these people have no compassion, I also saw huge strange evil dark creatures by thousands flying in the skies, I trust in Jesus he is real and is coming back soon don’t let it be too late to repent . Jesus is the only way he is my everything and only through Jesus all things is possible. I love you my savior Jesus Christ 🙏❤️

    Last nite I dream that Israel’s was under attack rite by where the temple as the temple becomes a heap and then suddenly a man came out from nowhere and said he was Jesus, I know he was not Jesus and he was false I ran and as I was running, I heard Rebuild the temple .. in my dream and I woke up.

  2. For anyone who is unsure about their salvation please check out Renee Roland on YouTube, it really is all about Jesus.

    The true gospel is mocked as easy believism.

    Salvation is easy.

    Service can cost you everything!

  3. Fear doesn't come from God. Fear not if you have God in your heart. The true test of Christian faith is being able to accept God's will. Our world is full of finite things. Let's concentrate in infinite things. Like the love of the Lord.

  4. I wish my father could see that he was blessed and is blessed ..he jumped off the bed after 2 weeks first patient in our city. A miracle happened because me my sis and my mom went upstairs it was early and they were confused I made them put oxygen on my dad cuz I knew in Wuhan oxygen was needed. Everybody was tryna act all crazy and dumb but GOD is the HEALER the OnE and ONLY true healer. My dad ran out of that hellspital after that, please pray for your family in the hospital.

  5. Got to love the one and only treatment allowed – Remdesivir – which destroys the kidneys & can cause multi-organ failure. This was not a case of severe covid but a case of severe psychopathy by Dr F. So much unnecessary suffering and death!

    However, thankfully God is bigger than evil. Praising the Lord with you that He saved you & healed you. 💝

  6. In almost an exact example of what I went through. Except, I was wide awake when the spirit world arrived in my hospital room for me. You and I went through exactly the same things. Except I was in the ICU for a month!!!

  7. Sorry for all who lost loved one's. I to did see Jesus when I was in the hospital with COVID. My heart stopped at some point. It stopped 3 beats. When I saw Jesus he was behind a red window. He was standing there with his arms out. I was told that I should plan on being at the hospital for 2 to 3 weeks. I went home in Six days. My spelleen was inlarged, I was septic, I had covid nephonia, acute respiratory failure, and I lost 25 lbs of muscle mass, lost taste and smell.

  8. If the concept of the eternally inflating multiverse is correct then sooner or later an exact copy of your consciousness and soul will randomly be created from scratch with new material by coincidence in some future universe but life after (your) death is impossible as there is no way for the information stored in your brain to survive death and there is clearly no way for your soul to survive death. Near death experiences are just the brain going haywire and hallucinating as there is NOT enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down. After you die your consciousness and soul will still be there with your dead body but your consciousness and soul will no longer function. If the concept of an eternally inflating multiverse is correct then there are big bangs happening all of the time with new big bangs occurring forever. There are only a finite number of ways that the laws of physics can be different and there is also only a finite number of ways matter can arrange itself and with an infinite number of big bangs repetitions of everything are inevitable. Your exact life and every other possible variation of your life is already being lived right now by other exact copies of you somewhere else in the eternally inflating multiverse. In fact there are exact copies of us being born all of the time in other bubble universes. The rate that new bubble universes form increases exponentially with time by a factor of 2 every 10^-34 (10 to the power of minus 34) seconds so very fast and this also means the rate that new exact copies of you form also increases exponentially with time. An exact copy of you is identical to you in everyway right down to the last atom and molecule, they would think they are you, they would think exactly like you, they would even share your individual thoughts and memories providing that they have the same exact life as you, they would have an exact copy of your consciousness and soul, they would have exactly the same brain and neuron complexity as you, they would have and posses exactly the same properties and functions as you have now that make you alive and whatever makes them exist is exactly the same thing that what makes you exist. Cosmic inflation is where our universe expanded so rapidly for a very brief moment of time at the big bang. Inflation only ended in part of space (our bubble universe) while other regions are still inflating. Once inflation starts, never ends producing a infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have their own big bang event. Our lives are NOT dress rehearsals, this is IT, this is the ONLY one performance we get, it gives, it forces us to give meaning and value to everything we do because this is the ONLY life we get as ourselves and there is nothing awaiting us on the other side. This is your ONLY chance and you should make the most of it and the best of it. I'm promoting atheism because I want people to make the most and the best of their lives and to me it seems more realistic. I believe heaven is as real as Santa, tooth fairy or Easter Bunny. A lot of people try to convivence them selves to believe because they don't want to die and there is NOTHING afterwards, they believe because it makes them feel better, they are making excuses to believe and avoiding the !!!COLD HARD TRUTH!!!. As a strong atheist I don't want to cease to exist after I die, but I accept it and that is why I try to live my live to the full, make the most of it and the best of it.

  9. The problem with Christianity is, it has become just another religion, and that is what happens when a [so called] leader starts teaching people, they become him…So where does that bring us? Let us look at some verses…Joh @  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water… Why are there no flowing rivers of life… because life does not flow from the sinner…1Co_@  Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
    1Co_@  If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are…My point is this… seeing that our bodies are the temple of GOD and in the temple there is a seat [a throne] who is sitting there it is that man of sin [self] spoken of in… 2Th 2:4  Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing [himself] that he is God…LET US ALL REPENT FOR THE GOSPEL HAS BEEN PREACHED TO ALL THE WORLD! 2Th 2:7  For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.


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