How Much to Charge Clients for Videos

How Much to Charge Clients for Videos | Jack Cole Get at me on Social Media @ItsJackCole 10 Ways to Get New Video …


  1. Hey Jack, its me, tht girl tht asked you to wish her luck on her Cricket tournament so her team could win.
    Guess wht..
    WE WON!!!!!
    Since there was time to play another match, we did, and we won again!!!
    Thx for wishing me good luck πŸ™‚ (n_n)

  2. This is really Great info . Good tips and Thank You for sharing , it popes up on Next and I was watching some Kanye West Opening a church video ( I’m serious ) by the way I like Kanye West actually .I guess it Means You’re getting There my Brother πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ”₯

  3. Having worked in haulage I have no idea how you got that for 80 quid. Presuming it was even a dinky 7.5 tonne HGV or large van fuel alone for a 5 hour journey would exceed that and then there’s man hours to pay. Only way I could see it is if it were a larger vehicle and they squeezed your stuff onto the back of a load already running to London


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