KOINONIA EXPERIENCE WITH APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN II23II10II2022 For questions and inquiries please find the following …


  1. Open heavens, when heaven is open the rain of blessings fall to us. Blessings that have been hanging in the spirit and not manufasting in our lives may Jesus bring those blessings to us and let us experience strange results in the name of Jesus. And those door that we're struggling to open by the grace and mercy of the lord ltlet those door open.

    Ephesians 5 vs 18 the moment an individual is in spirit you can not be in silence in 19 he talk the speaking that you mostly sleek when your in spirit. In every word of God there a sprit that empower it. The first biblical evidence is speaking. Acts 2 vs 1-7 every time when the man is under the influence of the holy spirit the first area that Significe his influence and presence is SPEAKING.

    A spiritual man is one who has totally submitted to the authority of the word of God. And also submitted to the influence of the holy spirit.
    When the holy spirit comes in strong encounter with a man it influences the whole body of man but mostly by the word that we say the mouth, tangue. The entire body is at the mercy of your speaking. Ecclesiater 8 vs 4
    There a way that kings reign. Where the word of a king is there a a power. "There are people with the power to bring rain they are rain makers here on earth. There are othe people who can manipulate the climate and control the weather" in Bible there was a rain maker ALIJAH, he said there won't be rain for 3 and half years and indeed that happen. So since it happen to Elijah it also means that it is in the truly believers jurisdiction to be a rain maker. Proverbs 18 vs 21, (the power of death and life is in the tongue.
    The earth only responds to what is said. There a way that when a believer start speaking on another believer should be able to say that this man is sent by God (eg just the same way when you can here someone and be able to tell that he's a Nigerian).
    We're setisfied through the power of our lips. Kings reign by their excellency of their saying. The gift of faith state that whatever you say shall come to pass. So imagine having this gift and and you just say some words in anger what would happen??…
    WORDS ALSO PROGREM SPIRITUAL CLIMATE IT DOES NOT ONLY DEFINE CULTURE… The moment you begin to speak remember your PROGREMing your climate.. Words are so powerful it took words to be saved. It took words to create and also to destroy, all are in the power of tongue. Even on genesis when God was creating the world he said let there be a man, by saying that a man was created. Names are prophetic words or speaking which progremm our life as God changes Abraham's name, Jabes pray and changes his name and also Jacob pray to be blessed and only his name was change as a blessing.
    Matthew 12 vs 34 saying the speaking create climate if your good you speak good. The heart controls your mind and the mind control the body, that's why the devil mostly attack the heart first by the fear and etc which then affect the mouth and then the body. You only speak what's yhou heart is FULL OF.
    AS BELIVER WE MUST TEACH AND FILL OUR CHILDREN'S HEART WITH GOOD THINGS WHICH WILL affect their speaking. The man is good because of the state of heart, people are not evil because of the they do THEIR EVIL BECAUSE OF WHO THEY ARE. even an evil man say a good thing his heart will disappoint him. Your PROPHETIC RAIN MAKER OF YOUR DESTINY..you can run everywhere you want in the world but if is still you the same results will follow you. God will never use negative words to call you so just know that every time when your calling yourself those negative words their not conning from God. Some people are negative rain maker of their life. May christ have Have mercy on you.

    Genesis 3 vs 1-14 the woman perspective changes when satan tells her that if she eat this fruit she will be smart and be able to understand good and evil.on verse 11 God says to ADAM WHO TOLD YOU TO EAT THAT FRUIT??????? So even us WHEN WE ARE LIVUBG WHI TOLD YOU THAT YOU WON'T BE SUCCESSFUL OR RICH. EVERYTHING THAT ENTER TO YOUR HEART ENTER THROUGH WORDS. Words have a way of transferring reality to your heart which then affect your life. THE QUESTION STILL STAND WHO TOLD YOU???? why do you believe that you won't be successful UTS BECAUSE YOU HEARD IT SOMEWHERE. words are powerful you can be told some words 10 years ago and they still pop in you mind. THE SCRIPTURE OR BIBLE MANUAL OUR HEART AND GIVES OUR HEART WISDOM THAT'S WHY THE BIBLE SAY IF YOU BELIEVE THERE WILL BE HOPE IN YOU. There are people THAT NEGATIVE THINGS SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED TO THEM BUT THEY REFUSE. if your not making a rain for yourself someone will create the climate for you.
    The type of effective speaking you can speak to yourself Ephesians 5 vs 19. When your under the holy spirit you begin to speak in PSALM TO YOURSELF. And also speaking in HYMNS and also speaking in SPIRITUAL SONGS.. making melody in to you heart by speaking to yourself in psalm, hymns and spiritual songs. Everything that happen to the earth is atmosphere dependent they all depend on which atmosphere your living in your spirit is in, do you have atmosphere that honor God. You can create your atmosphere by your lifestyle the type of song you listen how kindness or loyalness you are to people, speaking positive to yourself.

    Every time you don't know what to SAY start with atmosphere JUST KEEP QUITE AND PROGRAM YOU ATMOSPHERE Your atmosphere will affect your heart and your heart will affect your speaking And your speaking will change or maintain the reality there. ATMOSPHERE CHANGES YOUR HEART AND HAVE HOPE AND WITH THAT HOPE YOU WILL BELIVE AND SPEAK GOOD TO YOURSELF THEN THE WHOLE REALITY WILL CHANGE, that's why the Bible say ls he's plan idls for us to have hope in the future.
    You can create an atmosphere by thanking him even when everything is not working out, and all you have something positive to tell him how good he is how wonderful how excellent he is even when things are working out NEVER NEVER THROUGH AWAY THE ATMOSPHERE. you may cry BUT CRY IN THE RIGHT ATMOSPHERE IS WHERE YOU SPIRIT BEGAN TO BE ENLARGED.

    Psalm 141 vs 3 Lord grant me self control over my words in order to understand the value, programing value of my speaking as a believer in Christ so that I may not careless and progremm ill over my future
    James 3 1-9 God standard of perfection idls the scripture wealthness of your speaking, the degree in which you have culture your words which is the product of the words which is residential within you. Continuing reading James shows that a tongue is like a big ship that is controlled by one man that is like what a tongue it is, is small but it controls the whole body. Never let your tongue speak both evil and good Never. If your destiny is going wrong remember your the captain to your ship. If you can you can also gither people around you organisation you coligeu and create an atmosphere with it. Most believer are not successful because they say so, as Beliver say something positive and profitable. You CAN MAKE UP A CLOUD TO YOUR FAMILY AND SPEAK AND SAY NOT IN NY FAMILY NOT IN NY BUSINESS NOT IN NY MINISTRY NOT IN NY CHILDREN.. the worst thing you can lose in the world is to loose the speaking you can lose your money you speaking will bring it back you can loose house business or etc your speaking will bring it back. You can lose your business and make up your atmosphere and speak and say I refuse to be sad. That's the speaking.


  2. 2:31:27 Is a scripture always quite back to God. WOW! The odds 9f him using this scripture. This sermon is for me because I have so much defeat in my life and changing my thoughts and words is the hardest thing. I just want this reproach and shame to stop and to finally experience a positive, progressive life.


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