Charles Spurgeon evening devotional for October 17 from the book “Morning and Evening” “He shall gather the lambs with his …


  1. Spurgeon was a false teacher who believed false doctrine. He continues even in his death as John Calvin, Billy Graham and hundreds of other believers and teachers of false doctrine to drag millions into eternal Hell by not teaching the Bible and the original intent of God's inspired authors! The Bible is TRUE! Reformed theology is from SATAN!

  2. Mr narrator the one who's speaking on this video. That Charles guy he doesn't even know what he's talking about. He is a Bible worshiper. Doesn't even have the holy Spirit. He preaches from the Bible. He's a preacher Man. People who really have the holy Spirit only obey Jesus the high priest like the apostles. So if anybody obeys this man listens to him takes what he says to heart. They belong to Satan


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