WOOOOO A BACK TO SCHOOL VIDEO!!! This video is all about being a christian at school! My tips and tricks and encouragement …


  1. Keep your relationship with God STRONG. Continue to grow with God, no matter how busy you are. It doesn’t matter how much homework you have, schedule time for you and God.
    Similar to the first one: Schedule a specific time.Β 
    Don’t neglect going to church, youth services, etc. Be ACTIVE in church. You could make some friends as a plus!
    Be Bold! Pray to God to be bold and proud as a Christian.
    DON’T CARE ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK! People may make fun of you, be PROUD to be a Chrisitan. Seek for the approval of God, not the approval of the world.Β 
    Look at school as an opportunity to show the love of Jesus. Allow God to work through you at school. Kids at school need to hear how good Jesus is!Β 
    Don’t conform to the way people are acting. Fix your eyes on Jesus. Don’t spend all of your time with nonbelievers. DON’T GET CAUGHT UP IN UNGODLY WORLDLY THINGS. Don’t go down the path of selfish desires!

  2. Thank you for the video ❀️
    Question: Are you still a Christian if you have not been baptised/ go to church because some people can't because they are too scared to tell their parents they are religious?

  3. I am now a senior in high school, and what I've learned is that people can see a difference in the way someone acts when they have a relationship with God. There have been multiple occasions where people ask me "bro how the heck are you so happy all the time" "how are you so positive" "why do you smile so much" and right then and there it gives me the opportunity to share God's love and what he has done in my life. In the Bible it talks about how God brings joy to the hearts of believers, and I've gotta say, that's correct haha

  4. In 6th grade it’s hard for me to stay in touch with god when hearing cussing at school and trying to avoid it, when I get home I have homework and the only time I have for god is in the morning, at night, church, bible study and prayer night, and sometimes at school before I eat my lunch I always pray and I get a crowd of eyes looking at me I don’t mind but after a while one of my friends who sat at the table with me started praying for his food weeks later then taught them some of The 10 Commandments, I would get bullied sometimes when the teacher would put on a movie and I’d asked to put the prince of Egypt or other great Christian films overall I am proud to be a Christian.

  5. When I was in school…There was this girl that would make fun of me…Which, I was used to it…because I'm in a wheelchair. I just got used to it. It wasn't until our senior year that I realized why she hated me so much.
    But, here's my reaction. When I realized it, I started laughing. I looked at her one day and said…."All these years, your problem with me is JESUS!?"
    I just walked away.

  6. I'm starting high school this year. I'm scared because I fell away from God and even began to question myself. I promised myself I'd fight for my relationship but I haven't been doing much fighting lately. I feel lazy with God and I just need some Christian people to surround me and encourage me. Please pray for me

  7. So exciting to hear all these christian students wanting to make a difference for Christ and deeply rooted, we know we have a very great very great God who is mighty and HE lives inside of you, so this many christians with the Lord inside of them is truly powerful, let us not get caught up in woke or progressive chsitianity preach the sound and true gospel of Jesus love, He does not need us to change the gospel to suit our worldly desires, God Bless.

  8. I rly needed this because I'm in a school where the only people that ik that are christian are my sister and this one other guy (worst part is us 3 are the only black people too- except for the new yr 7s who don't talk to us) and it was rly hard to be happy so this help! Thank you ❀!

  9. I'm in my last year of school and converting back to Christianity from being an atheist since age 12. I'm 17 now and hope to help my faith grow strong again as it was when I was young.

  10. Ew wtf? Is this an ad for Christianity? The Bible legalized marital-child-rape, slavery, and the torture of slaves. This makes you either a child-raping slaver or a direct supporter of child-raping slavers. And I won’t be bothered to make a distinction between the two. You β€œpeople” are evil

  11. I'm an 8th grader and I'm so glad for what I have now in my journey of life because my family didn't used to go to church but now we do, and I've been growing ever since. I've always been a "weird kid" in school because I didn't act like the other kids or do what they did. That was just planted into my life when I was kid on how I should act. Ever since I've been in church I've seen people leave my life and seen God work through everything. I've felt closer to my friends at church because we have the love of christ in common and my friends at school are just so different from me but I'm happy I have friends that can help me stay steadfast in God.

    Emily ❀️


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