How I Became My Own Boss by Doing Freelancing Jobs

In today’s video, I will tell you how I became my own boss by doing freelancing jobs. Well, I was just 18yrs old when I was fired …


  1. Jack you really inspire me doing things i was always afraid of start doin, im following you long time and im glad i found your channel. Hope I get at least 20% successful on youtube as you are, that will mean the world to me 🙂 . Take care mate !

  2. 5% gang. I love these story-time-type videos because I find them inspiring! I've finally started to vlog and edit again thanks to what I call "Jack Cole Energy", 🤣which is me telling myself that I'm ready to make it happen and accomplish what I need to be successful🙌.

  3. When I was your age, people older than me would dismiss the things I said, even though I was sure I had valid points. Now that I'm am listening to someone younger than myself, I am tempted to also dismiss the things you say and wait until you get more life experience to take your words seriously…but then I remembered that in my adolescence I used to think "if only older people would just pay attention to my words and forget about my age." That's why I respect your knowledge, and I am inspired by your technological skills, content creation talent, and way of tackling life with optimism and confidence. I am happy that you are learning about freelance work and using your creativity to produce value so early in life. The fact is, if you stick to it, and if you are consistent, then in the future you will go further than I probably ever will, and I completely respect that. Good luck!


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