How "Christian Mingle: The Movie" Caused the Dating Site's DOWNFALL

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  1. Question: when you say "weight" is that lie, my actual weight, or how much I can squat? Because I just hit a new 1RM on my squat and I'm sure that adds to my value as a nonbinary person who was AFAB.

  2. 31:17 Catholicism is a type of Christianity 🙂 Maybe what the IMDb thing meant was that it’s not a Protestant / Anglican / Lutheran / whatever type of Christian they say they are, church.

  3. Not relevant at all but finding out that days of our lives was an actual show and not just a fake soap opera on friends was a big moment for me a few years back lol

  4. At 10:14 I gasped!
    Yeah, babies are super slipper when wet.
    That’s why they normally just sprinkle a little bit of water on the baby’s head when they’re that small being baptized.
    Did you see that mother’s quick reflexes?!

  5. Since it’s supposed to be a romantic comedy, they should’ve had her do something nice for someone else, random act of kindness thing (or have someone help her), have them say they’ll pray for her, and have her shrug/laugh it off (either to them or someone else). That would’ve fit into the intro of the movie and given us “she’s nice but kinda meh on religion” at the start.

  6. I wonder how Lacey managed to look so good still when she’s 40, then you pointed out how long ago this movie had been filmed. Mama was only 33 back in 2015. I can’t believe it took seven years for it to release everywhere. How could they have deprived the world of this cinematic masterpiece??

  7. Lot’s daughters weren’t killed, they were repeatedly gang-raped. Then, after Lot escapes from Sodom and his wife becomes petrified, his daughters, thinking the world is ending, both liquor up and rape Lot. It’s crazy.

  8. I’ll never understand why Christians think any language other than English is like the devils language so they must teach everyone English. It’s up there with believing that writing with the left hand is a one way ticket to hell so everyone must write with the right hand (creating PTSD in many. One being my mom.)

  9. How easily influenced is this girl that, instead of going on any other dating app, she went onto the one niche app she knew she shouldn't be on, just because of the ads? Do Bumble & Tinder not exist in this universe or something??

  10. The most ironic thing about the Christianity for Dummies book btw is that it would be a GREAT book to use for teaching people about it. The simplest explanation is always to make it clear that it's about them and trying to see Christianity from an outside perspective to teach others; the funny thing is that you'd have to be empathetic to do that which is something no missionaries are. At all. I am a missionary kid and I grew up prostleyzing. There is nothing about it that is good. It's pure evil eurocentric cultural destruction.

  11. Fun story! A guy I met on Match went out with me on a few dates then went on holiday with his family and when he came back, he texted me to break up. Why? God. He said he wanted to focus more on god. I guess he didn’t appreciate me talking about volunteering at Pride, travelling alone and, I dunno, not drinking as much as him? I wasn’t mad. Salty because I paid like $300 for Match.


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