In this video, we shared a deep charge given by God’s servant, Apostle Arome Osayi on how Pastor Benny Hinn, Archbishop …


  1. Maria Woodworth Etter was the first woman, way before …and she was used in a mighty way to. The first one that preached and moved in miraculous ways in a public scale…moving hundreds of people.
    She prepared the way for the other women of God that came after. Honour to this revivalist generals!!!

  2. We are not in control of what to do with holy ghost, where is that found in the bible, you are talking heresy, nonsense…
    You can do anything with holy is holy spirit that do something to you according to God instructions.
    And pls Paul the appostle was given the gospel for the gentiles, you and can you been comparing the one that gave the gospel to pastor who recieve the gospel and you are saying Paul is in the same league.

    You are preaching crap … holy spirit is given to us as a comforter not to perform miracles and wonders…. only God choose to do that for a purpose at His time through any one He chooses to you


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