Six high school student’s who are all victims of bullying join an after-school program for bullying victims, lead by a man who …


  1. Maria πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜«πŸ™πŸΎβ€οΈ I know it’s a movie, but now even I miss her!! My heart bled for her amor! 😫 Feels So unfair! His ways are not ours.
    Love how they all became so close in the end.. also the lesson of how God allows the lesson to repeat until we understand and give Him control. Love

  2. This is a fair movie but my thing is your surprise to help the from being builder her should help them to stand up for themselves and the little black girl need to shut up when the other girls just builder her

  3. I really enjoyed this movie! I pray that someone finds hope and reach out if you need to.😊❀
    Have A Blessed Day 😊😁 on purpose ✨️ πŸ™πŸΎ πŸ™ŒπŸΎ ❀️ πŸ’• πŸ’– ✨️ πŸ™πŸΎ

  4. This story really touched my heart..I was teased a lot because I was overweight when I was in school and my self-esteem was very low…Even as an adult, but later in years when I really understood the Word of God and really had a relationship with the Holy Trinity, I am getting better..It took a many years..We have to FORGIVE…I really enjoyed Wanda and the other victims how they matured….12/23/2024.

  5. Look, this is a good movie, but killing off the spanish girl was an unnecessary drama plot. It was too close to him finding the little boy drama plot, then telling the class he's leaving.
    The girl could've gone into the hospital and everyone rally around her and pray bringing them closer.
    Typical Christian movies usually have death or tragedy unnecessarily. But good Inspired writing doesn't need the emotional pulls of hollywood.
    Outside of that small gripe, good movie, good message.


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