Praise The Lord and God Bless You, Bishop T.D.Jakes Sir , I am Vishwas Jawle, from India, I am servant of God, I was having Girl's Hostel at Church ministry, but last year back I had acsident and I was daied but Lord saved me it's took around 40 lacks Rs to make me clear, now I 52%handicraft, I wants to restart Girl's Hostel and Church Ministry once again, if possible You can help me by. Vishwas Jawle. State Bank of India. Branch-Newasa. Dist.Ahemadnagar Maharastra India. God Bless You Your Ministry
I’ve been grieving my mother, as I approach 2 years of her death. I’ve been extremely sad. Last night, as I was laying in bed, Holy Spirit said “td jakes” I got on my phone and YouTubed td jakes. I clicked the latest video and it was this one. I kept listening and when it got to the end and he spoke about his mom, I knew that was for me. I immediately got out of bed and on my knees and started praying in tongues! Thank you, Jesus! Praise God. He loves us so much! May God continue to bless your ministry, Bishop TD Jakes
POWER and AUTHORITY Parents have been given the right to insert their POWER over their children as minors. Court judges have been given the right to insert their POWER over the courtroom proceedings. Army sergeants have been given the right to insert their POWER over their infantry platoons…..and the Federal government has been given the right to insert it's power over the welfare of the country.
Why is it so that humans are expected to WILLFULLY SUBMIT themselves to the AUTHORITIES of their superiors?…….could it possibly be that we have such a profound "LOVE" for our superiors?….. or is it because we may FEAR any severe consequences that might result from us NOT obeying our superiors? We know that forced submission accompanied with fearful emotions may develop into feelings of bitterness and resentment towards our superiors. However, in the Spiritual realm of God, it is our Godly FEARS that help motivate us to willfully LOVE and REVERENCE His unmerited favor for us. Godly reverence is the thing that helps established PEACE within our hearts.
Luke 12:4-5 “I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the (natural) body and after that have no more that they can do. But I will WARN you whom to fear: FEAR the One who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into HELL; yes, I tell you, FEAR Him!
2 Peter 2:10 and especially THOSE who indulge the flesh in its corrupt desires and DESPISED AUTHORITY. Daring, self-willed, they do NOT tremble when they (attack with evil words) revile angelic majesties,
2 Corinthians 5:11 Since, then, WE KNOW what it is to FEAR the Lord, WE TRY to persuade others. What we are is plain to God, and I HOPE it is also plain to YOUR conscience.
Please keep your spiritual eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus and NOT on fallen men.
Amen. God knows when a true believer prays in the spirit, in Jesus name.
Holy Sperit u well come in this place HALLELUJAH.
praise GOD my CUP running over.
Help god !
Thank you
Talk that talk. I'm on the Path. God Almighty of the universe, is the only one that can break the curse. God is Real.
Praise The Lord and God Bless You, Bishop T.D.Jakes Sir , I am Vishwas Jawle, from India, I am servant of God, I was having Girl's Hostel at Church ministry, but last year back I had acsident and I was daied but Lord saved me it's took around 40 lacks Rs to make me clear, now I 52%handicraft, I wants to restart Girl's Hostel and Church Ministry once again, if possible You can help me by. Vishwas Jawle. State Bank of India. Branch-Newasa. Dist.Ahemadnagar Maharastra India. God Bless You Your Ministry
There's a difference between unintelligent and unintelligible, come on Bishop preach it, as it should be.
Thank You Jesus
Thank You Bishop 
Good Bless You Bishop First Lady Serita and Ohana and Potters House Ohana
Glory Hallelujah
Holy Spirit Activate
(and not bitter) Amen 


Help Me Holy Spirit I am listening I love You Jesus thank you Lord for all things in Jesus Name Amen Amen Amen Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
Thank you Jesus !
Amen TD you tell them !
He is risen
Yes & Amen!

I’ve been grieving my mother, as I approach 2 years of her death. I’ve been extremely sad. Last night, as I was laying in bed, Holy Spirit said “td jakes” I got on my phone and YouTubed td jakes. I clicked the latest video and it was this one. I kept listening and when it got to the end and he spoke about his mom, I knew that was for me. I immediately got out of bed and on my knees and started praying in tongues! Thank you, Jesus! Praise God. He loves us so much!
May God continue to bless your ministry, Bishop TD Jakes 
Praise God
Parents have been given the right to insert their POWER over their children as minors.
Court judges have been given the right to insert their POWER over the courtroom proceedings.
Army sergeants have been given the right to insert their POWER over their infantry platoons…..and
the Federal government has been given the right to insert it's power over the welfare of the country.
Why is it so that humans are expected to WILLFULLY SUBMIT themselves to the AUTHORITIES of their superiors?…….could it possibly be that we have such a profound "LOVE" for our superiors?….. or is it because we may FEAR any severe consequences that might result from us NOT obeying our superiors? We know that forced submission accompanied with fearful emotions may develop into feelings of bitterness and resentment towards our superiors. However, in the Spiritual realm of God, it is our Godly FEARS that help motivate us to willfully LOVE and REVERENCE His unmerited favor for us. Godly reverence is the thing that helps established PEACE within our hearts.
“I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the (natural) body and after that have no more that they can do. But I will WARN you whom to fear: FEAR the One who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into HELL; yes, I tell you, FEAR Him!
and especially THOSE who indulge the flesh in its corrupt desires and DESPISED AUTHORITY. Daring, self-willed, they do NOT tremble when they (attack with evil words) revile angelic majesties,
Corinthians 5:11 
Since, then, WE KNOW what it is to FEAR the Lord, WE TRY to persuade others. What we are is plain to God, and I HOPE it is also plain to YOUR conscience.
Please keep your spiritual eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus and NOT on fallen men.

Oh you reached with this one I feel God app over this

In Jesus Mighty name Amen
Yes Lord the comforter interceded for me Amen
Praise You LORD Jesus

Intercede for the things which I know Not to
