Here's What Survivors of a 'Troubled Teen' Program Say Went On Inside

Utah’s ‘troubled teen’ industry has claimed its treatment programs help kids, but some former students say they suffered abuse.


  1. My SO went to one of those in Montana (Building Bridges) for 2 years. He broke off part of his knee as a result of a fall during work. He dug ditches, was forced outside in the cold without a jacket for hours, was beat on by other kids and counselors and beat on other kids. Starved, searched, isolated. He is still suffering to this day. You all deserved better.

  2. While I never had to go to any of these I do know people who have gone to these schools and some truly need to go but it should be a "Last Resort" and HIGHLY REGULATED. To avoid sexual abuse each room needs to have a camera and if a student alleges something took place it will be on the film. Boarding Schools should have these also.

  3. I used to work at Cross Creek about 20 years ago. I worked graveyards doing head counts and monitoring. They fired me for "taking too many bathroom breaks." I heard later that they used a revolving door strategy for that position to try and discourage the staff from getting to know the kids too well…. whatever that meant.

  4. ALL these facilities need to be shut down. They do nothing but abuse and molest kids. The same ppl who support them by abandoning their kids to them, they are the same ones talking "pro life" bs. Sad kids have to go this bullshit.

  5. Theo’s mom is a c un t! It doesn’t matter what you’re looking for, it what your son is looking for! Theo if you read this, I am so sorry. You cannot choose your family which is tough, but I hope you can learn that you don’t need them. Sometimes it’s better not to have them in your life.

  6. My mom went to one of these in the 70s. It sounded so fun as a kid. But looking back at it, it sounded awful. My mom is such a damaged person now. Maybe this is a part of it.

  7. Doesn’t surprise me, especially not in Utah. I went through a program in Utah also. It’s all about $$$ in this state.

    My dad was (is) abusive. He always told everyone and me that i was a slut, and a problem child. I found out recently that my brother thought I went in there for drug rehab (which wasn’t true). I had tried to be normal, get good grades, have friends. I was put into a place for “psychiatric rehabilitation”, and it messed up my concurrent enrollment. The best way to silence your victim is to discredit them and make them look crazy… I never opened up to the counselors because it was on his dime—they weren’t there to help me, they were there to get the money from him.

    I’ve finally come to terms with what hr did, even though I made myself believe they were dreams. I had already learned in school that nobody would listen and my hands were tied against the big bad dad. They were there for the paycheck, and anything I said or did made me crazy and they could keep me in longer. Things got really bad when I got out, and that’s actually where I met the rebel crowd. I’d have graduated with an associates degree and I wanted to be a doctor.

  8. Mike McKell is the biggest pos ever. This man profits from the abuse children take and it looks the other way, he's well aware of what those schools do and doesn't want it to end.

  9. Well this situation is (real) common when society treats children as property instead of (actual) citizens with rights. All the programs and the courts are built for the parents and they are the ones at fault😐

  10. Any psych hospital or "Ranch" of some sort is a mecca for a lot of perverts and people (staff) that are beyond screwed up themselves ! If anyone was to work a decade in one of these settings one would know. The general public has NO clue whatsoever.

  11. Majority of my child hood i was sent to mental inpatient programs at like phych wards I basically grew up in one all because I was raped multiple times and spoke on it… I was 7 when I first talked and was sent away to a hospital would come out months later almost a year then go back in a few months later over lashing or acting out but in reality I was just so depressed and had noone to help me with anything that I was feeling dealt with that for years up until age 18. I would have hated to been in something like this where I was being thrown in my face daily of my abuse and bashing me thats terrible. I remember being verbal abused by a psychiatrist who basically said I deserved the sexual abuse I got really made me hate myself and blame myself I actually tried taking my life because I was already being blamed so for a professional to also blame me felt like noone cared and I was alone… I'm grateful to be alive and I hope anyone who is going thru any thing like this makes it out. Speak up. Even if you think it doesn't matter it does!

  12. I think a lot of the parents were either naive and didn’t realize they were sending their kids to a juvenile camp ppl go to places like this all the time but it’s usually court ordered because the kid has habitually been fucking up with the LAW


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