HERE WE GO!! ONE WORLD RELIGION | The Abraham Accords Summit | The New Religion | Chrislam | Abrahamic Family …


  1. The one value we dont all share as different religions is the only one that matter. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and the only way to God and Heaven after this life. Pray for the Jewish people, Muslims, and all people to see this truth.

  2. I am sure that the Lord is very much in favour of us being good people above all else. If we are truly unselfish and helpful, He will not abandon us. Swedenborg was shown that a person who loves his neighbours as himself is already a small heaven, and if he has not realised yet that Yeshua is God, he will meet the Lord when he dies, and he will accept the Lord and enter into the spirit world to be with good spirits, and to receive further education.
    The evil churches may teach that being a good person is enough for salvation also, because satans and devils always mix deadly lies in with a bundle of truths. The secret is to see and reject the deadly lies, but not to throw away the truths. ethermail

  3. Religion is NOT the problem of the world but POLITICIANS & POLITICS which goes under various covers to DECEIVE & DESTROY humanity.

    Of course, deception & destruction have always been the GAME & GOAL of Satan. That shall also sum up to his & his agents' eternal DOOM; but GOD shall REDEEM HIS PEOPLE (Mathew 25:41, 46). Amen.

  4. Pope Francis is not catholic please don’t confuse. The Catholic Church means UNIVERSAL CHURCH of CHRIST. Sadly satan attacked it and especially the last decades infiltrated the system to manipulate and destroy the beauty. But God will return!

  5. Islam is the only non Christian faith which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus (peace be upon him). No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus Christ. We believe Jesus Christ was one of the mightiest of messengers of Almighty God, we believe he was the Messiah who will return at the end times. We believe in his miraculous birth without any male intervention which many Christians today don’t believe. We believe he gave life to the dead with God’s permission and that he healed the blind and the lepers with God’s permission. Muslims are common with Christians in that respect. Where we differ is that most Christians believe that Jesus Christ claimed divinity and that he is God. There is not a single unequivocal or unambiguous statement in the complete bible where Jesus Christ himself says that ‘I am God’ or where he says ‘Worship me’.
    Jesus Christ was circumcised on the 8th day, he said ‘thou shalt not eat pork’ and he said ‘thou shalt not drink wine.’ As Muslims we are circumcised, we don’t eat pork or drink wine unlike Christians.
    If Christian means a person who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ I am more Christian than the Christians themselves because I love him, I respect him, I revere him more than you, but I don’t worship him. Because he never told me to worship him, if he had told me to worship him then I would have worshipped him.
    Here is a link of an eminent caller to Islam responding to a Christian on the issue of Jesus’ divinity:

    As Muslims we believe all mankind will be held accountable in the Hereafter for their good and bad deeds done on earth. If we ask for forgiveness and repent sincerely for our sins God is the most merciful and can accept our repentance anytime. We don’t believe in any intermediary through which to pray to God as we can call on God anytime and God listens to us directly, nor do we believe that salvation is through Jesus Christ, priest or anyone else.
    One reason why we believe Jesus Christ is not the Son of God is that Jesus Christ never claimed to be the ‘Son of God’. In the bible there are 88 times when he referred to himself as ‘Son of man’ (as with other prophets), that doesn’t make them literal sons of God, but only expressed metaphorically to show their closeness to God. In the bible Jesus Christ is referred to 14 times as ‘Son of David’ but we know he was not the son of Prophet David and was born miraculously from the virgin birth of his mother Mary, to whom an entire chapter of the Quran is dedicated.
    More discussion on this can be found in an interview with a Christian revert Dr Lawrence Brown on the Deen Show titled ‘Top 8 reasons why Jesus Christ is not the Son of God’.

    As Muslims we believe Jesus Christ was not killed, rather he was resurrected to heaven alive. Quran chapter 4 verse 157 states ‘They killed him not, neither did they crucify him, it was only made to appear so.’
    One proof is that bible Matthew, chapter 12, verse 38-40 says ‘the people said to Jesus Christ, O master show us a sign. Jesus replied ‘evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign. No sign shall be shown to you except the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.’ So Jesus had himself foretold that his miracle will be the miracle of Jonah. Meaning that when Jesus Christ was taken down from the cross and put in the sepulchre he was alive not dead, thus fulfilling the prophecy. This is further elaborated by Dr Zaki Naik in a video titled ‘Was Jesus (pbuh) really crucified?’
    Another proof was that in Luke, chapter 24, verse 36, ’disciples were petrified of seeing Jesus in the upper room (where he had the last supper before his alleged crucifixion 3 days later)’’. All their knowledge about the crucifixion was from hearsay therefore they could not believe that Jesus was alive. This is elaborated further by Dr Ahmed Deedat a prominent Islamic scholar in his video titled ‘Prove that Jesus was not hung on the cross’
    More proofs on why Jesus was never crucified is discussed by Dr Ahmed Deedat a prominent islamic scholar on the FTD Speaks channel entitled ‘30 proofs from the bible why Jesus was never crucified’.


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