Melissa learns that her dream man has a dark secret that he’ll kill to protect in “Her Boyfriend’s Secret.” #HerBoyfriendsSecret …


  1. It was difficult to watch this movie it could have been done a lot better. They walked into so many traps that could have been avoided. Watched it to the end would not recommend it

  2. I really enjoyed this movie I fell asleep on it I woke up and finished the movie I live this life before I really love lifetime movies some of my friends always say that all you watch is yes because there true stories real life

  3. She so blinded by love that she won’t believe what his ex is telling her they belong together and there were signs from the beginning that he was off but she chose to ignore them

  4. This girl Melissa is a complete fool first of all you only dated the dude for a few months that’s way to early to be doing all they were doing following him etc I would have been out once the ex girlfriend came to the house telling me he was psycho etc that would of been it for me

  5. Yay, looks like a good one, thank you! Looks like it has all the favorite Lifetimey things. And there's the song, the only party song to ever exist in Lifetime World: ?"We''ll live it up, like there's no tomorrow…"? Also, the brunette at the beginning is in another one featuring the same song, was it the one where she's a Christmas elf? Or a standup comedian with the bad landlord? Or the identity theft cheerleader one? Actually everyone here is looking familiar, maybe it's like the new generation of LMN actors.

  6. very interesting mvie…
    njoy y'all????
    jus goes 2 shw u dnt trust anybody out thr… ..
    take time 2 get 2 kno sum1 b4 commitn ETC
    another Good mvie ty life time..!
    stay safe…..
    stay blezzed… ..
    God Blezz Alwayz.!!

  7. @Lifetime You think you can upload Full Movies of:

    – Flirting With Danger (2006)

    – Cheaters' Club (2006)

    – Crash Site (2011)

    – Deadly Sibling Rivalry (2011)

    – A Trusted Man a.k.a Obsession (2011)

    – The Good Father: The Martin MacNeill Story (2021)


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