Spiritual expressions vary for each of us individually. But each expression of our gifts comes from the same Spirit, the same Lord, …


  1. Since I was separated from the pastor that God had assigned me to for intense ministry training, my sadness was that I wouldn't find that type of training or teaching anywhere. This is proff of God's kind of faithfulness & confirmational spirit that His teaching does not change. It's continued. " Different year – Diffent person – Different place, but the same spirit ♥️. I am a witness that this teaching is absolutely 💯 correct!!! By way of the Holyspirit.

  2. Wow!!!! Amen!!!!!!!!!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾. This is so amazing. People thing mental health is violence. I have severe anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Anger can be a factor due to the lack of not having loved ones to stand up for you or to love you while being vulnerable but mental health does not mean violence.

  3. I’ve been completely moved, touched and blessed by this beautiful word.

    Thank you Heavenly Father for what you’ve done. Thank you Lord for all that you’ve done that I’m still yet to identify and discover. If it weren’t for the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, I wouldn’t be here. All the Glory, All the praise and all the worship goes unto you Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Mighty of the Mightiest, The Great I AM.
    I pray that we covet the (one best gift) Holy Spirit everyday in our lives may we not dwell and schism on how the Holy Spirit expresses and portrays his power. I say to the Devil that you are done playing with my head and you are done messing with my faith in Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
    AMEN! AMEN and AMEN!❤️


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