Love meets doubt. Fear meets joy. Boy meets boy. HEARTSTOPPER, an eight chapter story about life, love and everything in …


  1. I just finished the series! And I can't wait for season2! Please dont let Us wait too long.. I love the show so muchh.. I carried away.. I cried whenever Charlie ? Cry! Love her sister Tori! And the whole Cast I guess.. ! Been waiting for Love, Victor another season but I dunno when it will be.. can u Suggest a same genre ?? Same show?? Love you all Guys!

  2. I absolutely love this show, just wish this was out when I was younger, it would have made a huge difference to my mental health back then. I'm 35 year old female, happily married to a the most wonderful man I could ever wish for. Growing up was tough though. Being a tomboy, and having feelings for boys and girls and people in general in a society that was not really accepting for people like me. Never really being able to be myself…or just not having the courage to. It would have been life-changing to have someone like Nick Nelson on tv to look up to, to know that I was not alone or weird. Charlie saying "it would be better if I didn't exist" hit home so hard, even after all these years. But we have Charlie, Nick and all their friends now, and that's the main thing.
    Watching them helped me to accept and appreciate myself… finally.

  3. This series has been a real surprise for me. It's become my favourite series for many reasons, all of them beautiful. I wish I'd seen this series when I was younger and knew that what I was experiencing was valid and possible. I recommend watching it to everyone, if you don't mind crying for a while ?.
    I feel you Charlie <3

  4. I loved Heartstopper. It’s just such an easy-to-watch heartwarming film.
    Don’t get me wrong I love movies like Marvel but the movies can get really complicated and if you look away you lose track on what’s happening.
    But this, is an amazing show.


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