Hearing God's Voice – Prophet Kobus

Prophet Kobus teaches on “Hearing God’s Voice”. ***DISCLAIMER*** Any numbers or information that appear as pop-ups in the …


  1. I sleep with Prophet Kobus on!! I really wish I could have met him! We will meet in heaven!! Praise God for these faithful men and women who preach The Gospel truth!! Can your ministry pray for me? My husband is still in prison, praying he gets released soon. Also, I don't have a job right now. I have applied to so many social work positions. Pray I get a call back. Also pray for my mental well-being! And my son. Love your ministry! Hello from Philadelphia, PA, USA! 💚💜

  2. about the law , Jesus said in Mt5: 18: " … not the smallest letter , nor the least stroke of a pen , will BY ANY MEANS disappear from the law until everything is accomplished." also in Mt23:1-3:" Then Jesus said to the crowds and TO HIS DISCIPLES :" the teacher of the and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat . so you MUST OBEY THEM and DO EVERYTHING THEY TELL YOU …." the bible include the 'old testament ' and the 'new testament '( testament can also mean COVENANT)  but the contents of the COVENANT are the same( Ex34:27-29,24:7-8, Dt4:13, Jer31:31-33, Eze11: 19-20)   – the old one written on the stone, represent the flesh which ' is hostile to God . it DOES NOT SUBMIT TO GOD'S LAW, NOR CAN IT DO SO ' ( Ro8:6-8); and the new one will written on our heart through the blood of Jesus. ' THEN they will FOLLOW MY DECREES and be careful to KEEP MY LAWS ( Eze11: 20) .' it's a EVERLASTING COVENANT which God made with the house of ISRAEL , and we- as GENTILES can be grafted in through the blood ( Ro11:11-24, Eph2:11-22 ) . outside the law is lawlessness , but the ' perfect law that gives FREEDOM ' ( Jas1:25,2:12) . those 'whoever loves the lord and obey his commands will REMAIN IN HIS LOVE' ( Jn15:9-10, 14: 21,23) , thus he come to the refuge – the shadow of the Almighty ( Ps91:1-2) and be safe from the things that come to the whole world . thank you, GB!!!

  3. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

  4. The Holy Spirit not only helps you but also other people who you come in contact with. Once you are filled with the Holy Spirit you become a blessing to others. The Holy Spirit flows through you and touches the lives of others, it may not be obvious to you but many lives will be touched through you.

  5. I'm being awakened even more listening to his teachings. I've had many questions about the tongues and mind and being trying to understand what I didn't and understand n this man is helping me… wow


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