He thought alcohol and drugs would give him the meaning he was searching for, but nothing could fill the gaping hole inside his …


  1. We were made by Him for Him. When we come to this understanding we stop living for ourselves & start to live in the fullness of who He created us to be. Each of us exemplifies a part of Him like no other in the world. Our identity as His child is first & foremost the most important revelation we can EVER receive. May those who read this come into the full realization that in Christ you have true liberty & true LIFE, outside of Him there’s only bondage.

  2. If god keeps silent and won’t help me I feel I’m done with him😔 I ask for him daily but I need more than I’m seeing because I know I will drift further and further from him unless he does something to give me believe and remove doubt

  3. My Father in Heaven Jesus Christ also changed me took me out of my trouble life not only once since i was a teen .. Amen .. seeing this video makes me so motivate Lord Jesus Christ your name shall be praised and raised Amen


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