"He Loves Me that Much" – The Occult & Witchcraft Didn't Stand a Chance Against God

Isela became involved in the occult that led to deep darkness and her daughter became fearful of unseen forces. Reaching out to …


  1. I believe in Christ Jesus heals our souls , lord Jesus Christ heal me . I receive his love. Amen 🙏. I will surrender my life to his will for me to spread love . Jesus deliver me . In your holy name amen 🙏

  2. My adoptive family was cursed thankfully the curse broke from me in Jesus Name. There are still witches around me they know who I am. Jesus will defeat the spirit behind these lost humans.

  3. For those who are NOT SAVED, this life is as GOOD as it gets,
    for those who ARE Saved,
    this life is as BAD as it gets.
    You are no better or no worse than anyone else .
    we all fall short,, and that is WHY we NEED a SAVIOR.
    all glory be to God thank you ABBA.
    Which means Daddy.

  4. Please please please pray for my sister. Her name is Ashleigh. She is very deep in the occult right now. I was before Jesus saved me. I know God can do it because He saved me from it, and I know that He is working although I can’t see it. but I’ve been praying about it for sooo long and I’m starting to lose faith in it, even though my soul knows that God is working.

  5. Those tears you shed were so so beautiful, welcome to the family of God! You're the daughter of a king you're fearfully and wonderfully made. God has a calling on your life and anointing. You are highly favored and blessed! Sending hugs your sister in Christ Barbara!


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