The intense sagas around Moses, Mercy, as well as Pastor George and Rhoda continue in ‘HE IS ALL THAT MATTERS’ (Part 5).


  1. Hallelujah for the most High 🙏🙏

    For the bible says,
    My people perish for the lack understand ,
    Hezron family are so ignorant, especially his wife, she did not exposed evil at the first time, when you give devil chance for just one minute,he will destroy the work of 50 years
    Exposed devil when you discover and start to be intercede
    We would not be a ignorant believe in Jesus name 🙏

  2. Hmmm. I was in tears while watching this particular movie. Hedzron with his eyes widely opened,. God please help me not to miss it in my marital journey in Jesus name.
    God bless you daddy Mike Agboola. God bless the EVOM ministry.

  3. Too close to home! But let me us this opportunity to thank God for the Shepherds who have been diligent in their service 🙏🏼 May the grace of God continue to uphold you and your families. Your life will not become a bad example in Jesus name. Amen!

  4. Ooooh wow.. Whatever l do l fear God's anger,, what God will do to such misleading ministers Jeremiah 23:16-40 on verse 40 he said "l will bring on you everlasting disgrace – everlasting shame that will not be forgotten
    Thanks for the message may God bless you and continue using you to reach many perishing souls

  5. Welldone crew ❤this just spells out the depth of prayerless church goers because they are not like Jesus Christ who started with prayers and ended with prayers.
    Life is spiritual and we must at strange occurrences of life with prayers..
    Know God for yourself!

  6. God bless the EVOM channel and everyone who has made this possible today… This movie says a lot and these are real-life situations. My take home as a single brethren is that one shouldn't marry someone based on their values alone. it is beyond that. Thank you once again.

  7. Hezron's family should have left the church and distance themselves from the church and the Pastor's family and Pastor should have exposed his wife and daughter to the church elders and give them the right punishment! Maybe this could have helped to avert the evil that later happened 🤷. May God help His church

  8. This a very very thought provoking movie …. every character .have an issue that need to be sorted out…wow all I can say is FATHER let me keep my eyes on you and you alone and remember Habakkuk 1 and 2

  9. If the affairs between Hezron and Cynthia was between church members, the discipline/verdict would have a serious one with public disgrace. I just wonder why some' pastors ' are stingy with the truth especially when the matter involves one of their family members. Acts 10:34 …. God is no respecter of persons. May God help the body of Christ .


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