He decided to change his life at 64! | BEST MOVIE based on a True Story! | Hollywood movies HD The film “The Untold Story” …


  1. Being biological intersex unfortunately qualifies me as part of the LGBTQI label. It was unfortunate the villain living in a castle was gay. Being LGBTQI doesn't automatically qualify someone as being a sleaze bucket. Living as sleaze bucket is what qualifies as a sleaze bucket with promiscuity, not keeping your word for obligations, hating others, lack of responsibility to live as a good human being. That being said I didn't find where this was actually based on one particular person but maybe it was? There are many good human beings out there trying to become better people. Kudos for giving Dan Haggerty another chance to act. Family entertainment is where I generally put my focus rather than current politics or movies with gratuitous violence or sex. Too much of that in the real world but "I" get to choose what movies I watch and I qualify this one as pretty good.

  2. I’ve noticed several actors who were big in the 80s and 90s. It’s terrific to see them back on screen. Original, heartfelt story telling. I’ve always enjoyed nia peoples and Barry van dyke. Both are class acts.

  3. I'm 60 down and out lost about everything sure women are hittin on me left and right especially sugar mama's I'm trying to choose between. Not to mention the food I go to my son's and eat there 3 week old left overs. And I use chop sticks. By the way that was Grizzly Adams.


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