"He Completely Freed Me" – Why She Left Drugs, Alcohol, & Promiscuity for Jesus

Drugs, drinking, relationships – nothing gave Stephanie the love or acceptance she wanted. At her very lowest she reached out to …


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  2. Almost cried. Although a man, I identify with her story. No army experience myself but otherwise. God keep her and protect her family. Jesus saved me just like that. He can save you too, if you are willing, and you believe that He can.

  3. Jesus commands us to not be like the world; His will is complete sanctification in us and absolute purity.
    Coffee is a drug and a sin.
    Sunday is the worship of the MOTHER OF HARLOTS,
    and jewelry is a symbol of pride and vanity.

  4. To all the family and friends of addicts your prayers are not in vain. We had a family member who was heavily addicted to drugs and alcohol our family prayed and prayed when she passed away an angel appeared beside a photo of hers within the photo Jesus showed us that she got saved never give up on your prayers; praying to Jesus is so powerful


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