(Family Drama) After growing up with his single mom, skateboarder Caleb, 18, finds his busy, rich architect dad. He contacts him ā€¦


  1. Arrogant young man talking disrespectful to mother going after the self pursuit of fame and gain of this fallen evil world of Satan. This is the wrong path that leads to temporary fulfillment but in the end is filled with regrets and emptiness.šŸ˜¢šŸ˜‚šŸ˜®

  2. I don't understand why any parent has to snoop in their kids room anyway and find out that they are smoking pot or whatever.. they really have no right to snoop on them in the first place and that's wrong.. but that's just my opinionā€¦

  3. Ave cried all the way coz this is my life i can see my son and i and its my prayer i will never live my so so young in Jesus name i will live to see his children children

  4. To all of us : broken and suffering: Jesuschrist is the Way ,the Truth and the way, no one comes to the Father except through him.
    Life is too short and filled with tribulations, we have to trust God with all our: HEART, MIND AND SOUL. That is the only way to Eternal Life.
    Pray for me Brothers.

  5. Little punk lights up a marijuana cigarette in his fatherā€™s beautiful home, without his fatherā€™s consent. How disrespectful and irresponsible. Brats today think that theyā€™re so entitled


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