Are you going through a difficult divorce? Find comfort in this meditation.

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Welcome to Abide. This mobile app will change your relationship with God. Renew your life with Christian prayer, meditations, and testimonies.

With 15 minutes of daily meditation, you can renew your soul. Gain greater clarity about your purpose and rediscover your joy. Experience less anxiety, stress, and worry. Most of all, experience God's overwhelming love for you.

Abide is a Christian prayer and meditation app used by over 1 million people across the globe. Based off Biblical scripture and practices, Abide guides and fosters a deeper relationship with God. Listen to prayer sessions of 2 to 15 minutes in length. Renew your mind in only a few minutes a day!

"But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And on his law he meditates day and night." Psalms 1:2

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Originally posted 2021-01-07 10:23:26. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. I try to focus on loving myself the way I am now am now. Not pulling all that stuff up. I had nine months of abandonment and speaking in searching coming to the conclusion I am perfect needing to change nothing in this moment buy love and except myself. Now I am sleeping on time and waking up early trying not to focus on the future. Up this very money step by step never forgetting my worth and my value loving myself, forgiving myself because if I can’t do that very thing for me, how Can I love anyone else, how Can I forgive the past. The past has nothing there but broken dreams and ashes and I choose to not let anyone take my love, empathy and compassion. If God wanted to change me or my husband. He did change me but not my husband and he could of but he chose not to so in this very moment with a God I thought had blessed me with a marriage. I stand her other to understand that I must love myself before anyone else. I have many bills to pay but I can’t focus on that because God says be anxious for nothing.
    Many of us get stuck in what could of been when we should of walked away sooner, cut the cord long ago but stayed thinking someone would change, when the person that needed to do only was thing was Me to love myself and let go of the past. The past no longer serves me. Not going to that grave yard because there is nothing there what I have right now is love for myself and forgiveness even on this road of the unknown.
    There is one thing I know for sure, my identity will never be defined by a job, a marriage,a success, or defeat. It will be defined by my Character, but only represents love for myself.


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