Growing up Pentecostal… #short


  1. The religious fanaticism in the comments is giving me PTSD flashbacks. There’s a reason family members, siblings of yours, your own children have cut contact with you.
    P.S. being a weird mentally ill fanatic isn’t saving you, I can safely say it’s doing the opposite for y’all.

  2. It's quite simple actually, look up what 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, and understand that just as Daniel refused all the offerings that Belshazzar son of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 5) made to him to read what God had written on his wall because it was what God wanted, it's not about living for ourselves or our glory but for God's glory, we just need to think if we are honoring God with our way of living or doing things, the rest doesn't matter, as we read more of God's word we will understand why our exaltation is meaningless before the majesty of the king. God bless you. Sorry if my english is not very god, but i tried jajaja.

  3. I grew up Pentecostal it was never that strict with casual clothes just if your going to church but not everyone dressed up and my grandfather who was the pastor never cared our church had homeless people sitting in the front rows and after service they would get food and extra food to take with them if not they could come on Saturday and get a food bag the line used to be down the street every Saturday in the center of LA I never been so proud

  4. He sees it all.. answer for it here or there but wee will answer for it. No one gets away with anything. For us the small things mean nothing but to GOD they are everything!

  5. This is about 20% of Pentecostal… they usually leave not long after this… but most of these will not join another church because they know the Bible too well and rather just be a sinner

  6. As an atheist, I’m peeved by these comments in two ways:
    – one, people completely missing that she was born into a Pentecostal household. She makes NO comment in regards to her personally held faith.
    – two, I doubt any of the people making these comments could back up their beliefs about modest clothing. The Deuteronomy verses that the clothing commandment comes from include such gems as “stone women if they do not bleed when they first lay with their husband” (bad science and bad ethics) and “don’t eat shellfish or wear mixed fabrics”. And can we forget the glory of “if there are people who are preaching other faiths in your town, execute all the citizens of the town and burn all of it”? Christian folks are no longer beholden to these laws because of Jesus’ sacrifice. Don’t pick and choose them as you see fit.

    And lastly, on the question of modesty or of “tempting others”, that Matthew in the New Testament says “if thy right eye offends thee, pluck it out”? Temptation is the responsibility of the temptee.

    Yes, God values modesty and humility, but that comes from within. Wearing a smock is no cure for pride, nor is shaming those who wear what you consider “unsuitable” and pushing them from the fold.

    Y’all be intellectually consistent.

  7. It was being brought up like this that attracted my husband of now 40 years. The mother's back then taught us how to dress and to carry ourselves and have a relationship with GOD.

  8. My late grandma as a reverend pastor she never wore make up, used only clip on earrings and her wedding ring. But she never judged anyone who came to her church. They came to serve the lord not the pastor. She said come as you are. My cousin stood by the door one day to ehar the word. She greeted my cousin in. Cousin (stripper) came in as her daily life stripper clothing. Praised the lord and went off back to work. My grandma didn't care what she wore. As oong my cousin wanted to give praise to the lord give back time to him. She still had a life to live. She now runs her own business selling products she make of her own.

  9. Good old days, reading these comments is clearly the reason why our youths are no good these days, everyone running around here desensitizing men senses with their jezebel lead spirit, then wonder why dudes are gay, over stimulating the minds, marinade on that!

  10. When you disregard "standards" you end up with a society like the one we have today. "Standards" exist for a reason, they have developed over many lifetime of learning, these "standards" exist within every cultural group from the tribes of people who have little to no modern cultural influence to the suburbian American family. But feel free to dress how you want and disregard the culture.

  11. I had a friend like this and her grandma came up to the school to embarrass her by beating her. That’s what slightly opened my eyes up to how cruel religion was. The older i got and studied i left it behind and felt better as an individual.

  12. Be ready in season and out of season…this is not godly at all…serve tye lord God with all your might all your heart your might comes through much obedience through christ the lord God


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