GREATER WORKS (PART 2) WITH APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN II10II09II2023 To give, please click the link below …


  1. I want to say a big thank you to the Koinonia media team. Thank you for making all Apostle’s messages available and for giving us the Koinonia experience. Many of us may not be in the same state, geographical zone or even time zone as Koinonia. But we get to experience Koinonia as though we are there. It’s a blessing we don’t take for granted. We want to be as involved in the service as much as can. Including the opening worship with the worship team. The opening prayer, all of it.
    Thank you for making it all available.
    We love you and GOD bless you abundantly!

  2. I am forever grateful to Abba Father for this anointed teaching priest that is the under-shepherd of my life, Apostle Joshua Selman. Glory to be God Almighty through Jesus Christ my Lord Savior Adonai and Redeemer, amen??

  3. There is no such thing as an Apostle any more, everything that our God wanted to accomplish has been so done and Jesus did it all, no other revelation is needed, no other Apostle except those that He choose for a purpose, that purpose was completed at Pentecost !!!

  4. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, I ask that the Books of the Courts of Heaven show that I receive this prophetic word to any and every extent that You intend it for me. I ask that this word be activated in my life and in the lives of my descendants and my immediate and extended family members. To the extent that Apostle Joshua Selman prayed, spoke, declared, and/or decreed according to Your Word, Your Will, and Your Way, I say yes, yes, yes, and Amen and I receive it. Yes, I call upon You today LORD for the grace to forgive and for the grace to have a pure heart, a loyal heart, a willing mind, and a disciplined flesh. Thank You LORD.


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