A workaholic retired computer programmer follows the leading of the Holy Spirit and returns to college to wage war against …


  1. We need such people in the kingdom of God like Gramps, people who are bold to speak the truth about the message of God.
    Christianity is about being ambassadors of Christ and His kingdom.❤
    Anyone who knows the artist of the song in the beginning of the movie, o like it so much, it melted my heart❤❤❤❤

  2. Thank you Jesus for the gift of life and Blessings upon my family, I’m so excited 😊 my life has totally changed since I started earning $65,000 returns from my $15,000 investment every 14days..

  3. Okay, all was fine and well until 40:40 when you, as so called "Christians" start speaking of "the universe" and how "immense" it is. There is NO universe. We are on a plane, not planet and this is the real God created with a firmament separating the waters from above from the waters below. READ YOUR BIBLE AND THE BOOK OF ENOCH and stop preaching hearsay blended into "Christianity"!!!!


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