While Climbing the corporate ladder, Grace Lawrence has worked herself to death…literally. But getting into Heaven isn’t that …


  1. Purgatory is unbiblical. When we die, we die only once and face judgement Hebrew 9:27, Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return to God who gave it Ecclesiastes 12:7. Sheol r Hades place of the dead- temporary place where the souls are kept as they awaits final punishment. The souls of righteous,at death, goes straight to heaven or paradise. Thief on the cross Jesus Christ said today you will be with Me in paradise Luke ,23:43, the unbelievers goes to Gehenna/ hell a place of torment Matt 5:29, while await their final hell, in the lake of fire Rev 19:20, Matt 13 42 where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. You make a choice heaven or hell, believer's goes to heaven by Lord Jesus Christ died for us on the cross. He took all our sins or punishment and gave us perfection. Unbelievers who rejects Christ, those who believe in themselves thinking by their works they can gain the Kingdom of God. For it is by grace we are saved through faith, it is not of our doing, is a gift of God so that no one may boast Ephesians 2 8

  2. The Devil Will Never Overthrow Our Heavenly Father ….
    God Is Wonderful , Magnificent , Powerful & Loving …
    God Bless You Always
    Never Forget That Satin Only Wants To Hurt & Trick You
    Be Gone Satin Your Nothing
    God Is Our Everything
    Thank You Most Gracious , Wonderful God
    We Love You


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